Presenter Information

Burim BerishaFollow


Art and Digital Media


The use of a specific site for research is one of the forms that help the development of sculpture in contemporary times. In this context, my work is focused on presenting a "mirror" of the damage we do to nature, and therefore to ourselves through pollution and the need we have for industry, the compromise we have to make. By applying the specific site as a starting point for the conception of a sculptural form we achieve a better communication, including in this case the history of the location. The work focuses on the research and use of different materials and techniques to create sculpture: air drawing, smoke sculpture, concept, sketch of portraits created by smoke naturally in industrial chimneys as organic drawings (air drawings). Wire sculptures give the impression of drawing in the air, they are also transparent sculptures that give more opportunities to be more interactive, in our case organic sculptural forms created by the smoke or steam of the power plant. Power plant chimneys are transformed into sculptures that capture the random moment of creating an aesthetically acceptable sculpture that is a symbol of development and destruction. While the smoke sculpture initiated by us shows the impact, we can have on these facts even though they are free and uncontrollable. Taking these beautiful images from an act of "damage and development" shows the fact that we humans take what we like and the rest is what follows us without us having the opportunity to control it.


Fog, sculpture, nature, pollution, air drawing, smoke sculpture

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM




Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Fog Sculpture

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The use of a specific site for research is one of the forms that help the development of sculpture in contemporary times. In this context, my work is focused on presenting a "mirror" of the damage we do to nature, and therefore to ourselves through pollution and the need we have for industry, the compromise we have to make. By applying the specific site as a starting point for the conception of a sculptural form we achieve a better communication, including in this case the history of the location. The work focuses on the research and use of different materials and techniques to create sculpture: air drawing, smoke sculpture, concept, sketch of portraits created by smoke naturally in industrial chimneys as organic drawings (air drawings). Wire sculptures give the impression of drawing in the air, they are also transparent sculptures that give more opportunities to be more interactive, in our case organic sculptural forms created by the smoke or steam of the power plant. Power plant chimneys are transformed into sculptures that capture the random moment of creating an aesthetically acceptable sculpture that is a symbol of development and destruction. While the smoke sculpture initiated by us shows the impact, we can have on these facts even though they are free and uncontrollable. Taking these beautiful images from an act of "damage and development" shows the fact that we humans take what we like and the rest is what follows us without us having the opportunity to control it.