Date of Award

Winter 2-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor Degree


Architecture and Spatial Planning

First Advisor

Binak Beqaj




As a person living in Prishtina (Kosova), I was motivated to represent and cultivate a vision of the cultural aspect of Kosovan people. Kosovo, though situated in a small territory in Europe, has a vivid and rich cultural history. Traditions from ancient times have continued though the Middle Ages and further, always in reciprocity with parallel neighboring cultures, but with a specific local identity. But nowadays, culture which is recognized as a cornerstone in the development of the society, it is not given the necessary recourses neither at professional nor financial level. Therefore Kosovo, more exactly Prishtina, seeks a future of progress, and a Cultural Centre would provide the ability to purpose into reality through a built form, expressing a distinctive cultural identity evolving around the ability to express its traditional elements. A purpose to show how architecture can represent a distinctive cultural identity through contemporary methods of applied to the traditional forms, colors, and materials of Kosovan culture



Included in

Architecture Commons
