UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Calculation of a Concrete Reinforcement Under the Action of Torsion Moment, According to Eurocode and Albanian Technical Rules


Sustainabile Urban Development, Architecture and Environment


The objective of this research is to introduce the reader to the calculation of a concrete reinforced element under the action of the torsion moment by comparing the two methods, Eurocode and Albanian Technical Rules. Particularly we will present the factors that affect the calculation and the final result. During a long period of time the action of torsion on a concrete reinforced element is not considered to be very important. The traditional calculating methods led to designing with reserves. As a result the longitudinal and transversal reinforcement due to bending, shear, compression or tension was enough even for torsion. With the progress of the calculating methods are designs concrete reinforced elements that have smaller dimensions and a reduced reinforcement. Consequently it is important to calculate correctly even the effect of torsion. Usually torsion is combined with bending and shear. In some cases it is combined with compression or tension. When torsion is combined with bending, shear, compression or tension, the concrete reinforced element must be controlled carefully in order to consider all these effects. In fact, torsion is noticed very often in the performance of a concrete reinforced element. Usually the vertical loads don’t pass through the center of gravity of the sect ion. Almost every time they are deflected, causing torsion moments besides bending moments and shear forces. But this kind of torsion is not considered. Here we come to a question, when should torsion be considered and when not? This question and many other ones will be answered in this article. The similarities, differences and the factors that affect on both chosen methods will also be part of the article, especially the effect of section dimensions.


torsion moment, Eurocode, Albanian technical rules, section dimensions

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi & Mo Vaziri

First Page


Last Page



Prishtina, Kosovo

Start Date

2-11-2012 9:00 AM

End Date

3-11-2012 5:00 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Nov 2nd, 9:00 AM Nov 3rd, 5:00 PM

The Calculation of a Concrete Reinforcement Under the Action of Torsion Moment, According to Eurocode and Albanian Technical Rules

Prishtina, Kosovo

The objective of this research is to introduce the reader to the calculation of a concrete reinforced element under the action of the torsion moment by comparing the two methods, Eurocode and Albanian Technical Rules. Particularly we will present the factors that affect the calculation and the final result. During a long period of time the action of torsion on a concrete reinforced element is not considered to be very important. The traditional calculating methods led to designing with reserves. As a result the longitudinal and transversal reinforcement due to bending, shear, compression or tension was enough even for torsion. With the progress of the calculating methods are designs concrete reinforced elements that have smaller dimensions and a reduced reinforcement. Consequently it is important to calculate correctly even the effect of torsion. Usually torsion is combined with bending and shear. In some cases it is combined with compression or tension. When torsion is combined with bending, shear, compression or tension, the concrete reinforced element must be controlled carefully in order to consider all these effects. In fact, torsion is noticed very often in the performance of a concrete reinforced element. Usually the vertical loads don’t pass through the center of gravity of the sect ion. Almost every time they are deflected, causing torsion moments besides bending moments and shear forces. But this kind of torsion is not considered. Here we come to a question, when should torsion be considered and when not? This question and many other ones will be answered in this article. The similarities, differences and the factors that affect on both chosen methods will also be part of the article, especially the effect of section dimensions.