Management, Business and Economics
Determining the effects of the trade liberalization is a complex problem of the modern theory of international trade. For that purpose we need to determine whether the maximum benefits from the trade for one country and the world in general, could be achieved when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on non-discriminatory base (in terms of globalization) or when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on discriminatory base id est., within the regional economic integration by introduction of safeguard measures towards third countries (regionalism). Regionalization supporters affirm that the regional agreements promote more liberal trade and through the application of the rule ―learning by doing‖ instigate the process of wider regional integration, which ultimately could result with global liberalization. Also, smaller group of countries with similar economic conditions (usually neighbor countries) could easily resolve their mutual trade problems through regional economic integration. According the regionalism supporters, in future within the WTO there will be three world negotiating blocks: the American, the European and the Asian trade block as carriers of the world economy. The main purpose of this paper is by combination of theoretical and practical aspects to consider that the Regional Trade Agreements could promote the agricultural trade, by lowering and eliminating the rigorous procedures, restrictions and barriers in the international trade system. For that purpose will be used several methods that are usually used for economic analysis of the agricultural trade such as analytical, statistical, historical, comparative research method, method of observation, qualitative and quantitative method.
Regional trade agreements, WTO, agricultural trade, liberalization, barriers
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi & Mo Vaziri
First Page
Last Page
Prishtina, Kosovo
Start Date
2-11-2012 9:00 AM
End Date
3-11-2012 5:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Ciglovska, Biljana and Shaqiri, Jeton, "Effects of Regional Trade Agreements on International Agricultural Trade" (2012). UBT International Conference. 34.
Effects of Regional Trade Agreements on International Agricultural Trade
Prishtina, Kosovo
Determining the effects of the trade liberalization is a complex problem of the modern theory of international trade. For that purpose we need to determine whether the maximum benefits from the trade for one country and the world in general, could be achieved when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on non-discriminatory base (in terms of globalization) or when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on discriminatory base id est., within the regional economic integration by introduction of safeguard measures towards third countries (regionalism). Regionalization supporters affirm that the regional agreements promote more liberal trade and through the application of the rule ―learning by doing‖ instigate the process of wider regional integration, which ultimately could result with global liberalization. Also, smaller group of countries with similar economic conditions (usually neighbor countries) could easily resolve their mutual trade problems through regional economic integration. According the regionalism supporters, in future within the WTO there will be three world negotiating blocks: the American, the European and the Asian trade block as carriers of the world economy. The main purpose of this paper is by combination of theoretical and practical aspects to consider that the Regional Trade Agreements could promote the agricultural trade, by lowering and eliminating the rigorous procedures, restrictions and barriers in the international trade system. For that purpose will be used several methods that are usually used for economic analysis of the agricultural trade such as analytical, statistical, historical, comparative research method, method of observation, qualitative and quantitative method.