Sustainabile Urban Development, Architecture and Environment
The sustained Earth is our chain of the ecological survival. We have over used and over abused every material, every resource and every environmental attributes available for us, trying to find quick and easy solution to the problem. The general concern of modern word today is focused on creating the modern and clean living environment for its inhabitants. Kosovo, which is the newest state in the world, has a long road ahead to achieve the standards in order to create a healthy environment for its residents. A fast economic growth versus low possibility of energy production has caused concerns on Managing the Energy Demand in Kosovo. Among the biggest energy consumers in Kosovo are residential buildings which consume approximately 34 % of the total energy produced. According to different researches the household energy demand will grow for 50% until 2016. EU Directives and the need for Management of the Energy Demand will stress the importance of building regulations in helping to bring the improvements required not only for the new constructions but for the existing stock as well. From this viewpoint, the questions that arise are: Which measures could insure the decrease of energy consumption on the buildings with minimal additional investments? How can we reach human comfort and decrease energy consumption on the buildings with architectural components? This paper outlines some of bioclimatic architecture techniques according to the Kosovo Climate and cost efficient measures to general architectural components that will give an opportunity to reach human comfort with low levels of energy consumption. The increased awareness of the architects, homeowners, and students in order to use the designs that perform well in its particular locations considering climate and microclimate components, to use sustainable materials and avoid the resource consumption, can make it possib le to decrease the energy consumption by the buildings up to 75 %.
bioclimatic, architecture, energy, efficiency, techniques
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi & Mo Vaziri
First Page
Last Page
Prishtina, Kosovo
Start Date
2-11-2012 9:00 AM
End Date
3-11-2012 5:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Dugolli, Mimoza, "Bioclimatic Architecture of Residential Building in Kosovo" (2012). UBT International Conference. 7.
Bioclimatic Architecture of Residential Building in Kosovo
Prishtina, Kosovo
The sustained Earth is our chain of the ecological survival. We have over used and over abused every material, every resource and every environmental attributes available for us, trying to find quick and easy solution to the problem. The general concern of modern word today is focused on creating the modern and clean living environment for its inhabitants. Kosovo, which is the newest state in the world, has a long road ahead to achieve the standards in order to create a healthy environment for its residents. A fast economic growth versus low possibility of energy production has caused concerns on Managing the Energy Demand in Kosovo. Among the biggest energy consumers in Kosovo are residential buildings which consume approximately 34 % of the total energy produced. According to different researches the household energy demand will grow for 50% until 2016. EU Directives and the need for Management of the Energy Demand will stress the importance of building regulations in helping to bring the improvements required not only for the new constructions but for the existing stock as well. From this viewpoint, the questions that arise are: Which measures could insure the decrease of energy consumption on the buildings with minimal additional investments? How can we reach human comfort and decrease energy consumption on the buildings with architectural components? This paper outlines some of bioclimatic architecture techniques according to the Kosovo Climate and cost efficient measures to general architectural components that will give an opportunity to reach human comfort with low levels of energy consumption. The increased awareness of the architects, homeowners, and students in order to use the designs that perform well in its particular locations considering climate and microclimate components, to use sustainable materials and avoid the resource consumption, can make it possib le to decrease the energy consumption by the buildings up to 75 %.