UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Urban waste water discharges and their treatment: Case study Waste Water Treatment Plant of Kavaja (WWTPK)


Mechatronics, Engineering and Robotics


WWTPK is the first plant built sewage purification in the Republic of Albania (RA). This plant it is placed in the Kavaja region, district of Tirana. For this is an important area sewage treatment and waste water treatment according to the standards of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management (MoE) in Republic of Albania and not directly discharged untreated in nature. In order to determine productivity of the IPUZ and to predict the future of the operation, the results of the analysis of BOD, COD, SS are produced. According to chemical analyzes carried out in the period from February to May-June 2012 the water quality of effluents meet the standards under MoE for BOD, SS and COD parameters. The method used in this plant is the two stage method, physical and biological treatment. It is important to mention the lack of measurement of pH, temperature and O2 for a period of more than 1 year; and the lack of measurement of total phosphorus as a procedure, as a determinant of nutrients eutrophication of surface waters. For better result of water quality we think it is necessary to use the third level of cleaning waste water (chemical treatment).


WWTP, urban liquid discharges, BOD, SS, COD

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi & Mo Vaziri

First Page


Last Page



Prishtina, Kosovo

Start Date

2-11-2012 9:00 AM

End Date

3-11-2012 5:00 PM




Nov 2nd, 9:00 AM Nov 3rd, 5:00 PM

Urban waste water discharges and their treatment: Case study Waste Water Treatment Plant of Kavaja (WWTPK)

Prishtina, Kosovo

WWTPK is the first plant built sewage purification in the Republic of Albania (RA). This plant it is placed in the Kavaja region, district of Tirana. For this is an important area sewage treatment and waste water treatment according to the standards of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management (MoE) in Republic of Albania and not directly discharged untreated in nature. In order to determine productivity of the IPUZ and to predict the future of the operation, the results of the analysis of BOD, COD, SS are produced. According to chemical analyzes carried out in the period from February to May-June 2012 the water quality of effluents meet the standards under MoE for BOD, SS and COD parameters. The method used in this plant is the two stage method, physical and biological treatment. It is important to mention the lack of measurement of pH, temperature and O2 for a period of more than 1 year; and the lack of measurement of total phosphorus as a procedure, as a determinant of nutrients eutrophication of surface waters. For better result of water quality we think it is necessary to use the third level of cleaning waste water (chemical treatment).