Architecture, Spatial Planning and Civil Engineering
Wood processing industry is one of the most developed industries in Kosovo. In the framework of this industry, special importance should be given to the wood drying process, as a necessary process for further processing of wood. Therefore, a proper study of the drying quality of sawn boards which is using in residential buildings would be necessary.For the study were taken 13 subjects which are stretch throughout the territory of Kosovo.The study shows that the sawn timber in thickness 25-37mm, is drying well, but lacks air conditioning and equalization of moisture content throughout its thickness. While timber thickness 38-49mm and 50-70mm, did not dry enough, lack of moisture equalization throughout the thickness and conditioning is not done at all. The following results provide data for three thicknesses obtained in the study.
Session Chair
Binak Beqaj
Session Co-Chair
Josep Mias
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Durres, Albania
Start Date
1-11-2013 2:15 PM
End Date
1-11-2013 2:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Sejdiu, Rrahim; Cuka, Kushtrim; Ceka, Selam; and Sejdiu, Muharrem, "Quality Of Wood Drying Which İs Using İn Residential Buildings Depending On İts Thickness (Case study timber of beech, with different thickness that is drying in conventional kiln in the territory of Kosovo)" (2013). UBT International Conference. 2.
Quality Of Wood Drying Which İs Using İn Residential Buildings Depending On İts Thickness (Case study timber of beech, with different thickness that is drying in conventional kiln in the territory of Kosovo)
Durres, Albania
Wood processing industry is one of the most developed industries in Kosovo. In the framework of this industry, special importance should be given to the wood drying process, as a necessary process for further processing of wood. Therefore, a proper study of the drying quality of sawn boards which is using in residential buildings would be necessary.For the study were taken 13 subjects which are stretch throughout the territory of Kosovo.The study shows that the sawn timber in thickness 25-37mm, is drying well, but lacks air conditioning and equalization of moisture content throughout its thickness. While timber thickness 38-49mm and 50-70mm, did not dry enough, lack of moisture equalization throughout the thickness and conditioning is not done at all. The following results provide data for three thicknesses obtained in the study.