Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment
Kosovo has serious problems with the amount of water as well as their quality and the situation on the ground is quite alarming. There is no minimum wastewater treatment by collective pollutants nor by individual pollutants. As a result almost all wastewaters discharging to the rivers without any treatment deteriorating significantly their quality. The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibilities on finding solution to treat municipal waste waters in the Ferizaj town including villages. Municipality of Ferizaj performs wastewater discharge into the recipient without any prior treatment, which means directly into the river Neredime causing adverse effects in environment. Same situation is with 44 villages where collection of sewage is doing in septic tanks or discharging directly to the creek or river. Based on the configuration of the terrain can be build two main wastewater treatment plants consisting of secondary biological treatment, and one or two small WWTP’s to include some villages that can not be connected to the main WWTP’s. This paper presents the strategy for management of wastewater system, operational plans and methods for wastewater treatment comparing to the wastewater treatment plant in US Camp "Bondsteel" near Ferizaj. This research is intended to be taken effective measures for better management of waste water system and to raise awareness of the population in order to protect the environment.
Waste Water Treatment Plant, Water quality, Waste Water discharge, Environment Protection
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Durres, Albania
Start Date
28-10-2016 9:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2016 5:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Selimi, Bekim, "Treatment Possibilities of the Municipal Wastewaters in Ferizaj, Kosovo" (2016). UBT International Conference. 16.
Treatment Possibilities of the Municipal Wastewaters in Ferizaj, Kosovo
Durres, Albania
Kosovo has serious problems with the amount of water as well as their quality and the situation on the ground is quite alarming. There is no minimum wastewater treatment by collective pollutants nor by individual pollutants. As a result almost all wastewaters discharging to the rivers without any treatment deteriorating significantly their quality. The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibilities on finding solution to treat municipal waste waters in the Ferizaj town including villages. Municipality of Ferizaj performs wastewater discharge into the recipient without any prior treatment, which means directly into the river Neredime causing adverse effects in environment. Same situation is with 44 villages where collection of sewage is doing in septic tanks or discharging directly to the creek or river. Based on the configuration of the terrain can be build two main wastewater treatment plants consisting of secondary biological treatment, and one or two small WWTP’s to include some villages that can not be connected to the main WWTP’s. This paper presents the strategy for management of wastewater system, operational plans and methods for wastewater treatment comparing to the wastewater treatment plant in US Camp "Bondsteel" near Ferizaj. This research is intended to be taken effective measures for better management of waste water system and to raise awareness of the population in order to protect the environment.