UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Analysis and prediction of city postal services in Albania. A case study


Social Sciences, Humanities and other sciences


Postal service plays an important role in development of an effective and dynamic market. The role of postal services has changed in years. On one side, the demand for the delivery of letters, newspapers and other documments is reducing due to the use of electronic communication. On the other side, the demand for package services is increasing due to e-commerce development. Albanian postal service offers a very wide range of postal and financial services with quality and competitive prices. Postal services include: letters, small packages, telefax, correspondence, typography, telegrams, and subscribers of fixed and mobile telephony. In this article, we have done an analysis of postal services in Albania from 1993 to 2015 and a prediction for the next years. The most important services we have taken in consideration are: simple letters and parcels, registered letters and pasrcels, and insured parcels. We use statistical models for this prediction.


Postal service, Data Analysis, Prediction

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2016 5:00 PM




Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 5:00 PM

Analysis and prediction of city postal services in Albania. A case study

Durres, Albania

Postal service plays an important role in development of an effective and dynamic market. The role of postal services has changed in years. On one side, the demand for the delivery of letters, newspapers and other documments is reducing due to the use of electronic communication. On the other side, the demand for package services is increasing due to e-commerce development. Albanian postal service offers a very wide range of postal and financial services with quality and competitive prices. Postal services include: letters, small packages, telefax, correspondence, typography, telegrams, and subscribers of fixed and mobile telephony. In this article, we have done an analysis of postal services in Albania from 1993 to 2015 and a prediction for the next years. The most important services we have taken in consideration are: simple letters and parcels, registered letters and pasrcels, and insured parcels. We use statistical models for this prediction.