Computer Science and Communication Engineering
The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has gained popularity as a new technology for e-Health, and is considered as one of the key research areas in computer science and healthcare applications. WBAN collects patients’ data, monitors constantly their physiological parameters, using small implantable or wearable sensors, and communicates these data using wireless communication techniques in short range. WBAN is playing a huge role in improving the quality of healthcare. Still, due to sensitive and concurrent nature of e-Heath systems, current research has showed that designers must take into considerations the security and privacy protection of the data collected by a WBAN to safeguard patients from different exploits or malicious attacks, since e-Health technologies are increasingly connected to the Internet via wireless communications. In this paper we outline the most important security requirements for WBANs. Furthermore, we discuss key security threats to avoid. Finally, we conclude with a summary of security mechanisms to follow that address security and privacy concerns of WBANs, and need to be explored in an increasingly connected healthcare world.
WBAN, e-Health, information security, wireless
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Durres, Albania
Start Date
28-10-2016 9:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2016 5:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Muka, Romina; Yildrim-Yayilgan, Sule; and Sevrani, Kozeta, "Security Analysis of Wireless BAN in e-Health" (2016). UBT International Conference. 48.
Security Analysis of Wireless BAN in e-Health
Durres, Albania
The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has gained popularity as a new technology for e-Health, and is considered as one of the key research areas in computer science and healthcare applications. WBAN collects patients’ data, monitors constantly their physiological parameters, using small implantable or wearable sensors, and communicates these data using wireless communication techniques in short range. WBAN is playing a huge role in improving the quality of healthcare. Still, due to sensitive and concurrent nature of e-Heath systems, current research has showed that designers must take into considerations the security and privacy protection of the data collected by a WBAN to safeguard patients from different exploits or malicious attacks, since e-Health technologies are increasingly connected to the Internet via wireless communications. In this paper we outline the most important security requirements for WBANs. Furthermore, we discuss key security threats to avoid. Finally, we conclude with a summary of security mechanisms to follow that address security and privacy concerns of WBANs, and need to be explored in an increasingly connected healthcare world.