UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Urban /Architectural and Historic/Cultural Analyses of Rural Settlements -Region “Reka e keqe” in Kosova and Region “Reka e epërme” in Macedonia


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Rural settlement size and its extension are some of the main factors that is responsible for settlement success in achieving its development objectives. Interlinks between settlement functions and location; are dependent on the socio-economic general conditions of the society. These conditions were rapidly changing over the last century.

As case studies have been taken the region called “Reka e keqe” (eight rural areas) in Kosova and region called “Reka e eperme” (eleven rural areas) in Macedonia. Those regions have geographical position, territorial expansion, population, tradition and other similarities. Main parameters used for analyses of those rural settlements are to be considered:

  • Population (structure, density, social status)
  • Buildings (ownership, architectural model, functional and aesthetic concept)
  • Public services (administration, education, culture, health, commercial)
  • Public spaces (squares, streets, bridges)

The research will:

  • Research the spatial extent, rates of change, and socio-economic character and urban- ecological systems in specific rural regions of both countries
  • Model the demographic, urban/architectural, economic and ecological interdependencies
  • Propose a range of urban design approaches, typological models, and adaptable architectural concepts suited to their character

Based on urban, architectural and social parameters, all together: crafts, architects, private owners, local foundations, organization’s for the protection of nature and the landscape, and national, and local authorities work together, it will be possible to attain the desired results: the, unbroken culture of the collective rural memory, the right architecture, the right culture, rural renewal through rurbanism, and a social options.


rural, population, buildings, services, public, space, social, economic, urban, architectural

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2016 5:00 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 5:00 PM

Urban /Architectural and Historic/Cultural Analyses of Rural Settlements -Region “Reka e keqe” in Kosova and Region “Reka e epërme” in Macedonia

Durres, Albania

Rural settlement size and its extension are some of the main factors that is responsible for settlement success in achieving its development objectives. Interlinks between settlement functions and location; are dependent on the socio-economic general conditions of the society. These conditions were rapidly changing over the last century.

As case studies have been taken the region called “Reka e keqe” (eight rural areas) in Kosova and region called “Reka e eperme” (eleven rural areas) in Macedonia. Those regions have geographical position, territorial expansion, population, tradition and other similarities. Main parameters used for analyses of those rural settlements are to be considered:

  • Population (structure, density, social status)
  • Buildings (ownership, architectural model, functional and aesthetic concept)
  • Public services (administration, education, culture, health, commercial)
  • Public spaces (squares, streets, bridges)

The research will:

  • Research the spatial extent, rates of change, and socio-economic character and urban- ecological systems in specific rural regions of both countries
  • Model the demographic, urban/architectural, economic and ecological interdependencies
  • Propose a range of urban design approaches, typological models, and adaptable architectural concepts suited to their character

Based on urban, architectural and social parameters, all together: crafts, architects, private owners, local foundations, organization’s for the protection of nature and the landscape, and national, and local authorities work together, it will be possible to attain the desired results: the, unbroken culture of the collective rural memory, the right architecture, the right culture, rural renewal through rurbanism, and a social options.