UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: An Evaluation on Applications of Sustainable Approaches in Condominiums


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Nowadays, as the result of the damage caused by building sector to the environment and with increased depletion of natural resources, sustainable architecture has required to be an integral part of the construction industry. To prevent unhealthy construction and to increase the number of sustainable or green buildings in terms of the environment, there were established several sustainable building rating systems. These sustainable building rating systems, while maintaining human health and comfort, also try to decrease the damage of the environment to a lower level. However, rating systems have specific criteria depending on their countries climate and culture. Therefore, these systems cannot be applied in less developed countries or in different climate areas because the criteria of these systems sometimes do not represent the local situation. This study aims to develop general criteria for sustainable condominiums that can be used in all countries, regardless to their economic or regional differences.


Sustainable architecture, Condominiums, Sustainable building, Criteria

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2016 5:00 PM



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Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 5:00 PM

An Evaluation on Applications of Sustainable Approaches in Condominiums

Durres, Albania

Nowadays, as the result of the damage caused by building sector to the environment and with increased depletion of natural resources, sustainable architecture has required to be an integral part of the construction industry. To prevent unhealthy construction and to increase the number of sustainable or green buildings in terms of the environment, there were established several sustainable building rating systems. These sustainable building rating systems, while maintaining human health and comfort, also try to decrease the damage of the environment to a lower level. However, rating systems have specific criteria depending on their countries climate and culture. Therefore, these systems cannot be applied in less developed countries or in different climate areas because the criteria of these systems sometimes do not represent the local situation. This study aims to develop general criteria for sustainable condominiums that can be used in all countries, regardless to their economic or regional differences.