UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Daily migration as indicator to defining Functional Urban Region – case of Prishtina


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Cities and metropolitan areas are major contributors to national economies and play a key role as nodes in global markets. Moreover, at a time of deepening globalisation and increasing international competition for investment, metropolitan regions have become the targets of a wide range of public interventions.

Evaluation of existing and future potentials, role and function of Prishtina as capital city vs its region- neighboring cities (Fushw Kosove, Kastriot, Lipjan and Podujeve), with the capital infrastructure resources, functions and management, classification and definition of its commuting zone from the perspective of its daily migration as per OECD criteria.

Definition of the Functional Urban Region is of big importance to the city of Prishtina, its regional future spatial development, planning and management, data track keeping, measurements and exchange with other national/regional statistical offices, important as to comparison with other Functional Urban Region in close region and with any city within the European Community.


Urbanisation, Migration, Functional Urban Zone, Metropolitan Urban Region, Urban sustainability, Sustainable Urban Transport, Urban mobility, Creative Cities

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2016 5:00 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 5:00 PM

Daily migration as indicator to defining Functional Urban Region – case of Prishtina

Durres, Albania

Cities and metropolitan areas are major contributors to national economies and play a key role as nodes in global markets. Moreover, at a time of deepening globalisation and increasing international competition for investment, metropolitan regions have become the targets of a wide range of public interventions.

Evaluation of existing and future potentials, role and function of Prishtina as capital city vs its region- neighboring cities (Fushw Kosove, Kastriot, Lipjan and Podujeve), with the capital infrastructure resources, functions and management, classification and definition of its commuting zone from the perspective of its daily migration as per OECD criteria.

Definition of the Functional Urban Region is of big importance to the city of Prishtina, its regional future spatial development, planning and management, data track keeping, measurements and exchange with other national/regional statistical offices, important as to comparison with other Functional Urban Region in close region and with any city within the European Community.