UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Analysis of Professional Education in Kosovo, Case Study: Agriculture High and Secondary Schools

Analysis of Professional Education in Kosovo, Case Study: Agriculture High and Secondary Schools


Education and Development


This research discusses and explores the challenges of professional agricultural education in Kosovo, the achievements and disadvantages of this sector. The assumption is that professional education in Kosovo is not well appreciated by most members as competent authorities, citizens themselves, and as well as entrepreneurs. There is evidence that the government in Kosovo does not offer proper conditions, nor does it improve the curricula of existing professional schools in order to create new opportunities and suitable jobs for young talented people and to orient them toward more effective and productive careers. The case studied in this research is about conditions and opportunities offered by the agricultural secondary schools in Kosovo. Particular focus has been given to schools in Prishtina, Ferizaj and Vushtrri areas, as it is concluded that they have a significant number of students. Geographic research is limited to Kosovo, and in terms of time, it analyzes the learning process in the aforementioned schools since their foundation up to this time. Based on the different factors studied, different potential scenarios for the future are also provided. The research utilizes comparison methodology, statistical method, and quantitative method accomplished through survey. From the results obtained, the realistic situation was verified, which was essentially validated by the basic hypothesis of this research that the situation in the aspect of professional education in the Agriculture branch is in a sad condition. The final result of this project provides with a reasonable strategic planning framework projected support decision makers used in finding more sustainable solution to the problem identified. In the literature view, this study provides with information which in turn is supposed to gain more knowledge concerned with the study topic.


professional schools, agriculture, education, strategy, decision-making

Session Chair

Mary M. Somerville

Session Co-Chair

Karoly Nagy

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 11:00 AM

End Date

28-10-2017 12:30 PM



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Oct 28th, 11:00 AM Oct 28th, 12:30 PM

Analysis of Professional Education in Kosovo, Case Study: Agriculture High and Secondary Schools

Durres, Albania

This research discusses and explores the challenges of professional agricultural education in Kosovo, the achievements and disadvantages of this sector. The assumption is that professional education in Kosovo is not well appreciated by most members as competent authorities, citizens themselves, and as well as entrepreneurs. There is evidence that the government in Kosovo does not offer proper conditions, nor does it improve the curricula of existing professional schools in order to create new opportunities and suitable jobs for young talented people and to orient them toward more effective and productive careers. The case studied in this research is about conditions and opportunities offered by the agricultural secondary schools in Kosovo. Particular focus has been given to schools in Prishtina, Ferizaj and Vushtrri areas, as it is concluded that they have a significant number of students. Geographic research is limited to Kosovo, and in terms of time, it analyzes the learning process in the aforementioned schools since their foundation up to this time. Based on the different factors studied, different potential scenarios for the future are also provided. The research utilizes comparison methodology, statistical method, and quantitative method accomplished through survey. From the results obtained, the realistic situation was verified, which was essentially validated by the basic hypothesis of this research that the situation in the aspect of professional education in the Agriculture branch is in a sad condition. The final result of this project provides with a reasonable strategic planning framework projected support decision makers used in finding more sustainable solution to the problem identified. In the literature view, this study provides with information which in turn is supposed to gain more knowledge concerned with the study topic.