UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Control of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks


Food Science and Technology


This paper deals with the method of determining vitamin C in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks, also deals with its importance in the human body and elaborates the problematic consumption of vitamin C in the daily dose of adult people. Lack of vitamin C manifests itself with: pain and rapid muscle fatigue, increased infections, anemia, osteoporosis, hemorrhage, etc. According to the highest amount of vitamin C in 100 g, there are: pepper 128 mg, 113 mg cabbage, 90 mg kiwi, 59 mg strawberries, 53 mg lemon, 51 mg spinach, 38 mg grapefruit, 23 mg tomatoes. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts are widely used as an antioxidant food additive. Relevant food additives from ascorbic acid (E-numbers) are: E300 - ascorbic acid, E301 - sodium ascorbate, E302 - calcium ascorbate, E303 - potassium ascorbate.


vitamin C, daily need, lack of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, food additives, E-numbers

Session Chair

Viktorija Stamatovska

Session Co-Chair

Ilmije Vllasaku

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 11:00 AM

End Date

28-10-2017 12:30 PM



Included in

Food Science Commons


Oct 28th, 11:00 AM Oct 28th, 12:30 PM

Control of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks

Durres, Albania

This paper deals with the method of determining vitamin C in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks, also deals with its importance in the human body and elaborates the problematic consumption of vitamin C in the daily dose of adult people. Lack of vitamin C manifests itself with: pain and rapid muscle fatigue, increased infections, anemia, osteoporosis, hemorrhage, etc. According to the highest amount of vitamin C in 100 g, there are: pepper 128 mg, 113 mg cabbage, 90 mg kiwi, 59 mg strawberries, 53 mg lemon, 51 mg spinach, 38 mg grapefruit, 23 mg tomatoes. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts are widely used as an antioxidant food additive. Relevant food additives from ascorbic acid (E-numbers) are: E300 - ascorbic acid, E301 - sodium ascorbate, E302 - calcium ascorbate, E303 - potassium ascorbate.