UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Indication of Temperature and Time during Storage in Shelf Life of Pasteurized Milk, by using Response Surface Methodology


Food Science and Technology


Milk is a complex food product, with a high nutritional value. Milk produced from healthy cow is considered to be sterile, even though this is highly dependent on the environment of farm. Milk is processed to bring a cured with extend shelf life product. Pasteurization, is a curing process for milk based on thermal treatment, this process mostly inhibit the microbial growth but it does not destroy total microorganisms. Consequently, its shelf life is dependent on the storage parameter as temperature and time. Hence, the aim of our study was to analyze and prove indication of temperature and time by using statistical method called Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Experiments are designed with to independent variable temperature and time while as dependent variable is considered the total number of microorganisms (standard plate count). Results showed that storage temperature is the main factor that can extend the shelf life of the product, while for the predication of the shelf life of the product by using build equation by RSM, remains to be seen in future studies.


Pasteurization, Milk, RSM, Temperature

Session Chair

Viktorija Stamatovska

Session Co-Chair

Ilmije Vllasaku

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 11:00 AM

End Date

28-10-2017 12:30 PM



Included in

Food Science Commons


Oct 28th, 11:00 AM Oct 28th, 12:30 PM

Indication of Temperature and Time during Storage in Shelf Life of Pasteurized Milk, by using Response Surface Methodology

Durres, Albania

Milk is a complex food product, with a high nutritional value. Milk produced from healthy cow is considered to be sterile, even though this is highly dependent on the environment of farm. Milk is processed to bring a cured with extend shelf life product. Pasteurization, is a curing process for milk based on thermal treatment, this process mostly inhibit the microbial growth but it does not destroy total microorganisms. Consequently, its shelf life is dependent on the storage parameter as temperature and time. Hence, the aim of our study was to analyze and prove indication of temperature and time by using statistical method called Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Experiments are designed with to independent variable temperature and time while as dependent variable is considered the total number of microorganisms (standard plate count). Results showed that storage temperature is the main factor that can extend the shelf life of the product, while for the predication of the shelf life of the product by using build equation by RSM, remains to be seen in future studies.