UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Genealogical Analysis of Bar’s Body Activity in Hemophilia at Two Brothers and a Cousin


Food Science and Technology


In this study it is included a sample of the Presevo population and villages of 3771 individuals. During family interviews, we encountered cases in women with hemophilia and hemophiliacs. Predicting that X-sex chromosome is inactive we did not have the case that females are hemophilic. By doing the genealogical analysis of these families, we will present the thoughts about the role of Bari's body when it comes to hemophilia. The genealogical method can be used especially effective in cases of monogenic inheritance. From the cases encountered during the hearing, we did not have any hemophilia in female gender. Considering that if the X chromosome is inactive in women then the dose of the chromosome is equal to the male sex. For this reason, likely to get sick of hemophilia would be equal, but in reality this does not stand. So with this study we will give our thoughts about the Bar’s body or the gender heterochromatin regarding the dilemma of this case.


Kromosom X, Barr body, hamophyli, genealogy

Session Chair

Suzana Aliu

Session Co-Chair

Fidan Feka

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 2:30 PM

End Date

28-10-2017 4:00 PM



Included in

Food Science Commons


Oct 28th, 2:30 PM Oct 28th, 4:00 PM

Genealogical Analysis of Bar’s Body Activity in Hemophilia at Two Brothers and a Cousin

Durres, Albania

In this study it is included a sample of the Presevo population and villages of 3771 individuals. During family interviews, we encountered cases in women with hemophilia and hemophiliacs. Predicting that X-sex chromosome is inactive we did not have the case that females are hemophilic. By doing the genealogical analysis of these families, we will present the thoughts about the role of Bari's body when it comes to hemophilia. The genealogical method can be used especially effective in cases of monogenic inheritance. From the cases encountered during the hearing, we did not have any hemophilia in female gender. Considering that if the X chromosome is inactive in women then the dose of the chromosome is equal to the male sex. For this reason, likely to get sick of hemophilia would be equal, but in reality this does not stand. So with this study we will give our thoughts about the Bar’s body or the gender heterochromatin regarding the dilemma of this case.