UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Physico-chemical properties of ginger oil, bee wax and black seeds


Food Science and Technology


We investigated to emphasize the physico-chemical properties of these three compounds: ginger oil, bee wax and black butter oil. After the determination we have come to the conclusion that for the ginger oil the values of the acid number, iodine number, soap and ester number have not changed from the standard values that are allowed. Therefore we conclude that this oil is healthy to be used in our daily diets. The bee wax after undergoing the necessary testing has showed that these chemical values, iodine number, soap and ester number have been deviated from the allowed standard values. However the acid number was the same as the allowed standard values. Surprisingly when it came to the black seeds oil, all values starting from the acid number, iodine number, soap up to the ester number, had deviations far greater than allowed standard values. Therefore we concluded that this oil was spoiled.


ger oil, bee wax, black seeds oil, physico-chemical properties

Session Chair

Mariola Kodra

Session Co-Chair

Nexhat Balaj

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 4:30 PM

End Date

28-10-2017 6:00 PM



Included in

Food Science Commons


Oct 28th, 4:30 PM Oct 28th, 6:00 PM

Physico-chemical properties of ginger oil, bee wax and black seeds

Durres, Albania

We investigated to emphasize the physico-chemical properties of these three compounds: ginger oil, bee wax and black butter oil. After the determination we have come to the conclusion that for the ginger oil the values of the acid number, iodine number, soap and ester number have not changed from the standard values that are allowed. Therefore we conclude that this oil is healthy to be used in our daily diets. The bee wax after undergoing the necessary testing has showed that these chemical values, iodine number, soap and ester number have been deviated from the allowed standard values. However the acid number was the same as the allowed standard values. Surprisingly when it came to the black seeds oil, all values starting from the acid number, iodine number, soap up to the ester number, had deviations far greater than allowed standard values. Therefore we concluded that this oil was spoiled.