UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Cyberbullying and Privacy Cancellation Through Computer Systems

Cyberbullying and Privacy Cancellation Through Computer Systems




Information technology has been developing in the last two decades and has been rapidly absorbed by younger generations, given the curiosity that social networks provide, but there are also no negative aspects that may be due to lack of information. One of the forms of cybercrime is cyber-bullying. Therefore, the rapid development of technology and the specific features of computer networks and the Internet have made this form of criminality a problem for society because e-mails in some cases may have offensive content and derogatory comments. They address specific individuals with disabilities, for example, regarding their gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation and insults, and other harassment by slandering and spreading falsehood through social networks.

Also, in everyday life happens that through a computer network (social networks, e-mails) a person blackmails or harasses another person. For example: by asking for money when a person throw technological means harasses another, by asking for intimate photos, video, or throw persistent messaging from unknown demand end to meet in specific locations. Fortunately there is a protection of personal.

Protection of personal data in Kosovo is regulated by a special law, while there are legal provisions that sanction criminal offenses committed through computer systems and sanction the violation of privacy in the digital age. In the more developed countries of the technology industry, special laws have been adopted for sanctioning cyber-bullying.


Cyber-bullying, computer networks, privacy, legal acts, penalties

Session Chair

Jorida Zhafaj

Session Co-Chair

Shkumbin Asllani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

28-10-2017 10:30 AM



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Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 28th, 10:30 AM

Cyberbullying and Privacy Cancellation Through Computer Systems

Durres, Albania

Information technology has been developing in the last two decades and has been rapidly absorbed by younger generations, given the curiosity that social networks provide, but there are also no negative aspects that may be due to lack of information. One of the forms of cybercrime is cyber-bullying. Therefore, the rapid development of technology and the specific features of computer networks and the Internet have made this form of criminality a problem for society because e-mails in some cases may have offensive content and derogatory comments. They address specific individuals with disabilities, for example, regarding their gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation and insults, and other harassment by slandering and spreading falsehood through social networks.

Also, in everyday life happens that through a computer network (social networks, e-mails) a person blackmails or harasses another person. For example: by asking for money when a person throw technological means harasses another, by asking for intimate photos, video, or throw persistent messaging from unknown demand end to meet in specific locations. Fortunately there is a protection of personal.

Protection of personal data in Kosovo is regulated by a special law, while there are legal provisions that sanction criminal offenses committed through computer systems and sanction the violation of privacy in the digital age. In the more developed countries of the technology industry, special laws have been adopted for sanctioning cyber-bullying.