Arbitration on the reality of justice in Albania




Arbitration, another form of alternative judgment, finds today a usage also in Albania. Since the object of Arbitration trials is already mainly issues of trade and economy, the role that Arbitration takes is increasingly important. This trial process makes that in the world of business and technology to reign the tendency that disputes be settled by arbitration. Even more specific, the fact of using dispute resolution through arbitration does the existence of a preliminary provision in the contractual agreement between the parties, willfully, that potential conflicts will be resolved through arbitration. This element of the relationship exceeds in most cases not only the limits of the forecast, but it manages to selecting the arbitral tribunal and its location. Currently, the private alternative mechanism of dispute resolution called arbitration enjoys recognition and is affirmed world-wide in all the legal systems of contemporary states. Given the relevance and popularity of this alternative way of resolving trade disputes, more and more grows ongoing study by the contemporary legal theory about disputes resolution through international trade arbitration.


arbitration, alternative judgment, trade, business, dispute resolution

Session Chair

Albulena Ukimeraj

Session Co-Chair

Behar Selimi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

27-10-2018 1:30 PM

End Date

27-10-2018 3:00 PM



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Oct 27th, 1:30 PM Oct 27th, 3:00 PM

Arbitration on the reality of justice in Albania

Pristina, Kosovo

Arbitration, another form of alternative judgment, finds today a usage also in Albania. Since the object of Arbitration trials is already mainly issues of trade and economy, the role that Arbitration takes is increasingly important. This trial process makes that in the world of business and technology to reign the tendency that disputes be settled by arbitration. Even more specific, the fact of using dispute resolution through arbitration does the existence of a preliminary provision in the contractual agreement between the parties, willfully, that potential conflicts will be resolved through arbitration. This element of the relationship exceeds in most cases not only the limits of the forecast, but it manages to selecting the arbitral tribunal and its location. Currently, the private alternative mechanism of dispute resolution called arbitration enjoys recognition and is affirmed world-wide in all the legal systems of contemporary states. Given the relevance and popularity of this alternative way of resolving trade disputes, more and more grows ongoing study by the contemporary legal theory about disputes resolution through international trade arbitration.