UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Meat consumption in Kosovo and consumer perception of animal welfare


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Meat is an important source of nutrition and include fats, protein, vitamins B1, B6, B12, D, iron and zinc. The recommended amount of protein for adults is generally 0.8gr per kg of body weight. This research determines the quality and consumption of meat. The survey include 170 people were responded about animal welfare, meat quality and consumption. From 170 respondents, 64.7% are female, 35.3% are male, which 33.5% are under 25 years old, 60.5% are 25-45 years old, 4.8% are 45-65 years old and 1.2% are over 65 years old. 96.4% of them consume meat while only 3.6% are not consuming any kind of meat. And at the end of the results we saw that most of them (64.4%) consume white meat (chicken) which is included once a week in their diet while only 35.6% consume red meat (beef/veal) which is also included once a week in their diet.


Meat, Consumption, Quality, Animal welfare

Session Chair

Xhavit Bytyqi

Session Co-Chair

Valon Durguti

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM




Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Meat consumption in Kosovo and consumer perception of animal welfare

Lipjan, Kosovo

Meat is an important source of nutrition and include fats, protein, vitamins B1, B6, B12, D, iron and zinc. The recommended amount of protein for adults is generally 0.8gr per kg of body weight. This research determines the quality and consumption of meat. The survey include 170 people were responded about animal welfare, meat quality and consumption. From 170 respondents, 64.7% are female, 35.3% are male, which 33.5% are under 25 years old, 60.5% are 25-45 years old, 4.8% are 45-65 years old and 1.2% are over 65 years old. 96.4% of them consume meat while only 3.6% are not consuming any kind of meat. And at the end of the results we saw that most of them (64.4%) consume white meat (chicken) which is included once a week in their diet while only 35.6% consume red meat (beef/veal) which is also included once a week in their diet.