UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Water Quality Analysis in Batllava Lake With Physico - Chemical Methods and Organic Materials


Energy Efficiency Engineering


Water is one of the most important sources of life that cannot be replaced by other matter, so without water no form of living on our planet can be thought of. Worldwide demand for potable water rises by 4%, which challenges not only quantity but also quality. Depending on the origin, natural waters have different characteristics. In addition to meeting the needs in many vital processes, biological and physiological needs of the organism, water is an essential substance for the development of industry. There are almost no industries that for one reason or another do not use water. Water is also of great importance in the household, so population growth and living standards require increasing human needs for water. On the other hand even though the amount of water in the soil is the same, it is increasingly polluted by different pollutants. The purpose of this paper and study was the research of drinking water in Lake Batllava in the Municipality of Podujeva. During this work, the physico-chemical parameters, total organic carbon (KOT) and heavy metals in the lake were determined. All samples were taken in medium depth ventilation system for drinking water supply. A total of 10 samples were taken. The research was conducted in the area of Podujeva, respectively in the village Orllan where Lake Batllava is located. The general methods for used water analysis are: - Water sampling and conservation method; - Titrimetric and colorimetric methods of analysis; - Analytical methods of determining parameters; - Spectrophotometric and photometric methods; - Atomic absorption spectrophotometry method (SAA) The research was conducted in two seasons, the winter season (2019/2020) and the summer season (2020). The aim of this paper is to research physico-chemical parameters, heavy metals, and total organic carbon in drinking water. Comparison with the permissible parameters according to the Administrative Instruction UA- No.16 / 2012 on the quality of water for human consumption, as well as by the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines (WBO, 1997). So the results obtained from this research on this lake will serve as a recommendation to consumers that this water meets the conditions.


water, lake, industry, parameters, factory, research.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



Included in

Engineering Commons


Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

Water Quality Analysis in Batllava Lake With Physico - Chemical Methods and Organic Materials

Lipjan, Kosovo

Water is one of the most important sources of life that cannot be replaced by other matter, so without water no form of living on our planet can be thought of. Worldwide demand for potable water rises by 4%, which challenges not only quantity but also quality. Depending on the origin, natural waters have different characteristics. In addition to meeting the needs in many vital processes, biological and physiological needs of the organism, water is an essential substance for the development of industry. There are almost no industries that for one reason or another do not use water. Water is also of great importance in the household, so population growth and living standards require increasing human needs for water. On the other hand even though the amount of water in the soil is the same, it is increasingly polluted by different pollutants. The purpose of this paper and study was the research of drinking water in Lake Batllava in the Municipality of Podujeva. During this work, the physico-chemical parameters, total organic carbon (KOT) and heavy metals in the lake were determined. All samples were taken in medium depth ventilation system for drinking water supply. A total of 10 samples were taken. The research was conducted in the area of Podujeva, respectively in the village Orllan where Lake Batllava is located. The general methods for used water analysis are: - Water sampling and conservation method; - Titrimetric and colorimetric methods of analysis; - Analytical methods of determining parameters; - Spectrophotometric and photometric methods; - Atomic absorption spectrophotometry method (SAA) The research was conducted in two seasons, the winter season (2019/2020) and the summer season (2020). The aim of this paper is to research physico-chemical parameters, heavy metals, and total organic carbon in drinking water. Comparison with the permissible parameters according to the Administrative Instruction UA- No.16 / 2012 on the quality of water for human consumption, as well as by the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines (WBO, 1997). So the results obtained from this research on this lake will serve as a recommendation to consumers that this water meets the conditions.