UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: How is media treating the authoritarian-poltroon phenomena in Kosovo?

How is media treating the authoritarian-poltroon phenomena in Kosovo?


Journalism, Media and Communication


Kosovo policymakers, in addition to infantile cooperation with internationals, have created cohabitation with their local subordinates. The logic that for the Kosovar society the submissive poltroons are better and more useful than the dignified, honest, proud, critical, open- minded, hard-working and responsible citizens who have remained straightforward, is also prevailing in media. This cooperation in public political life is being articulated as an authoritarian-poltroon binomial. Unfortunately, media is not treating this serious danger that is causing consequences today and is degrading the future of national values and the rule of law, at the height of the risk with professional responsibility they should have, although the degree of spread and intensity of this the phenomenon depends not only on the level of political culture and social relations, but also on whether we are dealing with authoritarian or democratic, liberal or totalitarian societies. Authoritarianism and poltroons have intensified two-way communication. A great danger for the society and the statehood of Kosovo is their “converging ability"! On one hand, there are more poltroons that bow to authoritarian leaders such as "leaders", "bosses", "the powerful" .... on the other hand, it is the authoritarian leaders who consider fawning and bowing, as support as they want to be "important", "loved", "respected" ... in positions where they are, or want to reach even higher. Authoritarians promote poltroons with many privileges by taking advantage and promoting their loyalty, while the importance and benefits of poltroons are so great that servility is convincing to prove loyalty. Governance ruled by authoritarianism and servility is imposing the authoritarian will of leader supported by the will of the poltroons who oversee and control the party, the justice system, the public administration, the labor market and institutions, ostensibly independently.


Authoritarian, poltroon, media

Session Chair

Ferid Selimi

Session Co-Chair

Mimoza Hasani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

How is media treating the authoritarian-poltroon phenomena in Kosovo?

Lipjan, Kosovo

Kosovo policymakers, in addition to infantile cooperation with internationals, have created cohabitation with their local subordinates. The logic that for the Kosovar society the submissive poltroons are better and more useful than the dignified, honest, proud, critical, open- minded, hard-working and responsible citizens who have remained straightforward, is also prevailing in media. This cooperation in public political life is being articulated as an authoritarian-poltroon binomial. Unfortunately, media is not treating this serious danger that is causing consequences today and is degrading the future of national values and the rule of law, at the height of the risk with professional responsibility they should have, although the degree of spread and intensity of this the phenomenon depends not only on the level of political culture and social relations, but also on whether we are dealing with authoritarian or democratic, liberal or totalitarian societies. Authoritarianism and poltroons have intensified two-way communication. A great danger for the society and the statehood of Kosovo is their “converging ability"! On one hand, there are more poltroons that bow to authoritarian leaders such as "leaders", "bosses", "the powerful" .... on the other hand, it is the authoritarian leaders who consider fawning and bowing, as support as they want to be "important", "loved", "respected" ... in positions where they are, or want to reach even higher. Authoritarians promote poltroons with many privileges by taking advantage and promoting their loyalty, while the importance and benefits of poltroons are so great that servility is convincing to prove loyalty. Governance ruled by authoritarianism and servility is imposing the authoritarian will of leader supported by the will of the poltroons who oversee and control the party, the justice system, the public administration, the labor market and institutions, ostensibly independently.