UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Kosovo environmental legislation for the protection of nature and air quality

Kosovo environmental legislation for the protection of nature and air quality




The main features regarding the natural heritage are of common interest to the Republic of Kosovo and as matter of a fact enjoy special protection. Despite the fact that Kosovo is a small country, it is characterized by rich nature, landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. Meanwhile, drafting effective policies concerning nature protection, increasing the area of protected areas, and increasing the quality of management of these areas, we fulfill the obligation to give future generations the opportunity to enjoy the rare natural values of Kosovo. In this regard, the Law on Nature Protection, aims to regulate the system of protection and general conservation of nature and its values such as: protection, conservation, renewal and sustainable use of natural resources, in a state of natural balance. Meanwhile, The Law on Protection of Air from Pollution aims to regulate and guarantee the right of citizens to live in a clean air environment, protecting human health, fauna, flora, alongside natural and cultural values of the environment. According to this law, pollutants are substances directly or indirectly penetrate into the air and as a consequence cause harmful effects on human health, flora, fauna and cultural heritage.Furthermore, Kosovo has established its new environmental legislation, which has been drafted during the last decade. Furthermore, this legislation is primarily focused on implementation of EU standards, owing to the fact it is based on the same principles as European environmental legislation. Moreover, environmental legislation continues to be in an intensive process of supplementation and improvement, to respond effectively to the needs of contemporary environmental protection policies


Law of nature, air, Kosovo, nature protection, EU standards

Session Chair

Nehat Idrizi

Session Co-Chair

Xhavit Shala

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:50 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:10 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:50 AM Oct 31st, 12:10 PM

Kosovo environmental legislation for the protection of nature and air quality

Lipjan, Kosovo

The main features regarding the natural heritage are of common interest to the Republic of Kosovo and as matter of a fact enjoy special protection. Despite the fact that Kosovo is a small country, it is characterized by rich nature, landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. Meanwhile, drafting effective policies concerning nature protection, increasing the area of protected areas, and increasing the quality of management of these areas, we fulfill the obligation to give future generations the opportunity to enjoy the rare natural values of Kosovo. In this regard, the Law on Nature Protection, aims to regulate the system of protection and general conservation of nature and its values such as: protection, conservation, renewal and sustainable use of natural resources, in a state of natural balance. Meanwhile, The Law on Protection of Air from Pollution aims to regulate and guarantee the right of citizens to live in a clean air environment, protecting human health, fauna, flora, alongside natural and cultural values of the environment. According to this law, pollutants are substances directly or indirectly penetrate into the air and as a consequence cause harmful effects on human health, flora, fauna and cultural heritage.Furthermore, Kosovo has established its new environmental legislation, which has been drafted during the last decade. Furthermore, this legislation is primarily focused on implementation of EU standards, owing to the fact it is based on the same principles as European environmental legislation. Moreover, environmental legislation continues to be in an intensive process of supplementation and improvement, to respond effectively to the needs of contemporary environmental protection policies