UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The relationship between education standards and the labor market

The relationship between education standards and the labor market




The paper aims to identify the relationship between education standards and the labor market in general and to characterize certain relationships that might appear between them. In the age of globalization, particularly since the current crisis erupted, the labor market is in a constant and rapid state of change. This requires, in turn, a skilled workforce capable of responding flexibly to the market needs. A country’s ability to compete internationally, thus rests on a working relationship between education and employment, as this allows more responsiveness of the education system to the labor market requirements. These issues are being addressed in this paper with reference in local and European countries. A multidimensional approach is used to examine the connections between educational output and employment conditions. All the evidence suggests that countries that perform well across educational standards do often provide higher employment chances and better labor market conditions,


Education, employment, globalization, labor market, standards

Session Chair

Visar Hoxha

Session Co-Chair

Sevdai Morina

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:00 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The relationship between education standards and the labor market

Lipjan, Kosovo

The paper aims to identify the relationship between education standards and the labor market in general and to characterize certain relationships that might appear between them. In the age of globalization, particularly since the current crisis erupted, the labor market is in a constant and rapid state of change. This requires, in turn, a skilled workforce capable of responding flexibly to the market needs. A country’s ability to compete internationally, thus rests on a working relationship between education and employment, as this allows more responsiveness of the education system to the labor market requirements. These issues are being addressed in this paper with reference in local and European countries. A multidimensional approach is used to examine the connections between educational output and employment conditions. All the evidence suggests that countries that perform well across educational standards do often provide higher employment chances and better labor market conditions,