UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: COVID 19 RECESSION THROUGH POLICYMAKERS HIBRENATE ECONOMY Case study: Kosova


Political Science


In the first half of the year 2020 we have witnessed a pandemic spread all over the globe. The harmful impacts of Covid-19 on the health of humans that could end in “death- penalty” were tried to be prevented by locking down almost all businesses/economy expect the medical sector and businesses that offer essential goods and bakery. The lock-down had massive negative effects on the businesses that were effecting therefore global economy is facing a recession. The main aim of this paper is to understand the policymakers’ decision towards the “Covid-19 first era” by tuning economical tools such as lower interest rate by central bank; justifying tax & fiscal policies; cut the government spending; the lock-down and the post-pone of the utility payments (roll over debt), rents and other regular payment such as loans (don’t pay debts) which will hibernate the economy. Furthermore, this paper elaborates the economical tools that should be taken in concern in order to overcome the pandemic recession also known as “the post “Covid-19 first era”. This paperwork objectives are defined through dependable, intermediary and independent variables, in order to overcome the hibernation of the country’s economy. The Covid-19 impact in Kosova economy’s to overcome the recession through sustainable pro-jobs investment, fair taxation and other economical tools such as Remittance and Kosova Pension Trust Fund, in order to accelerate the economy.


Policymaker, economy, loan, debts, tax & taxation, unemployment, remittance & trust

Session Chair

Ridvan Peshkopia

Session Co-Chair

Dritëro Arifi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 2:20 PM




Oct 31st, 1:00 PM Oct 31st, 2:20 PM


Lipjan, Kosovo

In the first half of the year 2020 we have witnessed a pandemic spread all over the globe. The harmful impacts of Covid-19 on the health of humans that could end in “death- penalty” were tried to be prevented by locking down almost all businesses/economy expect the medical sector and businesses that offer essential goods and bakery. The lock-down had massive negative effects on the businesses that were effecting therefore global economy is facing a recession. The main aim of this paper is to understand the policymakers’ decision towards the “Covid-19 first era” by tuning economical tools such as lower interest rate by central bank; justifying tax & fiscal policies; cut the government spending; the lock-down and the post-pone of the utility payments (roll over debt), rents and other regular payment such as loans (don’t pay debts) which will hibernate the economy. Furthermore, this paper elaborates the economical tools that should be taken in concern in order to overcome the pandemic recession also known as “the post “Covid-19 first era”. This paperwork objectives are defined through dependable, intermediary and independent variables, in order to overcome the hibernation of the country’s economy. The Covid-19 impact in Kosova economy’s to overcome the recession through sustainable pro-jobs investment, fair taxation and other economical tools such as Remittance and Kosova Pension Trust Fund, in order to accelerate the economy.