UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Which is the rational choice view on political parties, their role in politics and their coalitional behaviour?

Which is the rational choice view on political parties, their role in politics and their coalitional behaviour?


Political Science


Political parties are the main links between citizens and governments. They represent different interests and values of citizens in the election and representation of their interests in legislature and formation and leading of governments. Therefore, political parties matter and play a significant role in the operation of democracy and politics in general. But, in the rational choice analytical structure, the political parties role as an essential component of politics and democracy until the late 1980s was rejected or at least has been seen of secondary importance. Moreover, it is yet the case nowadays that political parties are one of the less fully developed components of the rational choice approach. Thus, this rejection until the late 1980s of the role of political parties in politics and the gap that still exists in the rational choice approach about political parties raises the importance of dealing with this topic. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the view of the rational choice about political parties and their role in politics and democracy and their coalitional behaviour in making and breaking governments. In order to reach this goal, the paper will cover the following issues: Firstly, it will address in short the view of the most critical scholars of political parties more specifically about the concept of political parties and their role in politics and operation of democracy in order to facilitate the further analysis. Afterwards, it will move on to analysing how rational choice conceives political parties and their role in politics and democracy. Finally, the last part of this paper will comprise the rational choice view in coalitional behaviour of political parties in making and breaking governments.


Rational Choice, Political Parties, Coalition.

Session Chair

Ridvan Peshkopia

Session Co-Chair

Dritëro Arifi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 2:20 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:00 PM Oct 31st, 2:20 PM

Which is the rational choice view on political parties, their role in politics and their coalitional behaviour?

Lipjan, Kosovo

Political parties are the main links between citizens and governments. They represent different interests and values of citizens in the election and representation of their interests in legislature and formation and leading of governments. Therefore, political parties matter and play a significant role in the operation of democracy and politics in general. But, in the rational choice analytical structure, the political parties role as an essential component of politics and democracy until the late 1980s was rejected or at least has been seen of secondary importance. Moreover, it is yet the case nowadays that political parties are one of the less fully developed components of the rational choice approach. Thus, this rejection until the late 1980s of the role of political parties in politics and the gap that still exists in the rational choice approach about political parties raises the importance of dealing with this topic. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the view of the rational choice about political parties and their role in politics and democracy and their coalitional behaviour in making and breaking governments. In order to reach this goal, the paper will cover the following issues: Firstly, it will address in short the view of the most critical scholars of political parties more specifically about the concept of political parties and their role in politics and operation of democracy in order to facilitate the further analysis. Afterwards, it will move on to analysing how rational choice conceives political parties and their role in politics and democracy. Finally, the last part of this paper will comprise the rational choice view in coalitional behaviour of political parties in making and breaking governments.