
Political Science


International organization is a relatively new practice of the functioning of societies around the globe. Both as a practice and as a defined idea, it appears relatively late in history. Although various forms of wider organization of some societies (states) in temporary unions are also noticed in ancient civilizations, yet this is not the essence of this phenomenon in the contemporary meaning of the word. Ancient communities were of a military nature. Unions of some against others were formed for military needs and as soon as wars ended, such unions disbanded. However, the development of capitalism even in modern times strongly imposed mutual dependence on the world. Such state of affairs gave the interaction process regional and international proportions, despite old autarkic tendencies. States were necessarily oriented towards mutual cooperation and common solutions to the problems of the region and the wider international community. This need and practice actualized the question about the ways, means and forms through which they can respond to the new challenges of mutual life in the vast expanses of the world stage and human creation. The answer to this were the first manifestations of international organization in all spheres of social practice. These first efforts will later rise to the level of regular and well-known phenomena in the realization of processes and international relations, known as international organizations. Nowadays, international organizations are necessary mechanisms for the realization of international life in all its aspects, both regionally and globally. Their functioning showed that, with them, the world has instruments for solving the most subtle and complex regional and world problems. Globalization only emphasizes their position and power in contemporary life.


international organizations, worl order, states, globalization

Session Chair

Blerim Reka

Session Co-Chair

Alfred Marleku

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 2:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:00 PM




Oct 31st, 2:30 PM Oct 31st, 4:00 PM


Lipjan, Kosovo

International organization is a relatively new practice of the functioning of societies around the globe. Both as a practice and as a defined idea, it appears relatively late in history. Although various forms of wider organization of some societies (states) in temporary unions are also noticed in ancient civilizations, yet this is not the essence of this phenomenon in the contemporary meaning of the word. Ancient communities were of a military nature. Unions of some against others were formed for military needs and as soon as wars ended, such unions disbanded. However, the development of capitalism even in modern times strongly imposed mutual dependence on the world. Such state of affairs gave the interaction process regional and international proportions, despite old autarkic tendencies. States were necessarily oriented towards mutual cooperation and common solutions to the problems of the region and the wider international community. This need and practice actualized the question about the ways, means and forms through which they can respond to the new challenges of mutual life in the vast expanses of the world stage and human creation. The answer to this were the first manifestations of international organization in all spheres of social practice. These first efforts will later rise to the level of regular and well-known phenomena in the realization of processes and international relations, known as international organizations. Nowadays, international organizations are necessary mechanisms for the realization of international life in all its aspects, both regionally and globally. Their functioning showed that, with them, the world has instruments for solving the most subtle and complex regional and world problems. Globalization only emphasizes their position and power in contemporary life.