UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Comparison between the differences on concrete classes on the general behavior of the building

Comparison between the differences on concrete classes on the general behavior of the building


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


The topic that I choose to elaborate in this thesis is the design of a building with individual residential character P + 1, with a skeletal constructive system, of columns, beams and massive slabs of reinforced concrete, while the foundation is the strip foundation. On this topic we will provide data on concrete and steel as materials forming structure, their characteristics, the way of accepting loads, and the joint work they do to create the elements in particular and the structure in general, covering the shortcomings of each other as building materials. then we elaborated on the conditions that must be met to calculate a concrete structure, the steps to be followed together with the calculation methods, always respecting the European construction standards for which we have shown what they are, and for what they serve as building codes. We have made a detailed presentation of the structural elements, where we have talked about the tiles, their types, the loads that accept them, the spaces they can cover, the ways of their supports, their static schemes, etc., we have also presented the beams, the way of acceptance. of the forces from them, static schemes, their reinforcement, we have done the same for pillars, also for foundations we have shown their characteristics, their types for what the formed material, for what construction, the way of their work, the choice of the application of the types of foundations, the depths of the foundation, etc., and we have illustrated all these with relevant figures. The most important part of this work is that the static account of this facility will be done twice with different grades of concrete, C25/30 and C30/37. The purpose of this paper is to show the impact of the concrete class on the amount of reinforcement as well as its impact on the cost of the project. In this work, in a detailed way, will be shown the calculation of a two-way slab, a beam, a colum and a strip foundation, where the reinforcement of each of them will be presented in a drawing.


Keyword1., Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4

Session Chair

Egla Luca

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 5:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 6:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 5:15 PM Oct 31st, 6:00 PM

Comparison between the differences on concrete classes on the general behavior of the building

Lipjan, Kosovo

The topic that I choose to elaborate in this thesis is the design of a building with individual residential character P + 1, with a skeletal constructive system, of columns, beams and massive slabs of reinforced concrete, while the foundation is the strip foundation. On this topic we will provide data on concrete and steel as materials forming structure, their characteristics, the way of accepting loads, and the joint work they do to create the elements in particular and the structure in general, covering the shortcomings of each other as building materials. then we elaborated on the conditions that must be met to calculate a concrete structure, the steps to be followed together with the calculation methods, always respecting the European construction standards for which we have shown what they are, and for what they serve as building codes. We have made a detailed presentation of the structural elements, where we have talked about the tiles, their types, the loads that accept them, the spaces they can cover, the ways of their supports, their static schemes, etc., we have also presented the beams, the way of acceptance. of the forces from them, static schemes, their reinforcement, we have done the same for pillars, also for foundations we have shown their characteristics, their types for what the formed material, for what construction, the way of their work, the choice of the application of the types of foundations, the depths of the foundation, etc., and we have illustrated all these with relevant figures. The most important part of this work is that the static account of this facility will be done twice with different grades of concrete, C25/30 and C30/37. The purpose of this paper is to show the impact of the concrete class on the amount of reinforcement as well as its impact on the cost of the project. In this work, in a detailed way, will be shown the calculation of a two-way slab, a beam, a colum and a strip foundation, where the reinforcement of each of them will be presented in a drawing.