UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Calculation of Foundation Settelments by Applying settle 3D

Calculation of Foundation Settelments by Applying settle 3D


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Vertical loads can cause deformations (settelments) on foundations depending on soil formations. These deformations occur mainly when we are dealing with rising or falling of the groundwater level, where the phenomenon of swelling and shrinkage of the soil appears. To have a more realistic picture of the situation we must have sufficient data. In this case, data from geological-geomechanical research were taken and physical-mechanical parameters were analyzed, with these parameters the ground deformations were calculated. For each construction, the allowed safety factor must be issued that meets the condition q a >Ds z In this paper are taken into account the calculations of deformations according to loads using two comparative methods: according to settle 3D and empirical formulas which are taken as real and applied values. Most of these data are applied directly in the field, the numerical values of the deformations are harmonized in accordance with the permissible geotechnical standards

Session Chair

Egla Luca

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 5:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 6:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 5:15 PM Oct 31st, 6:00 PM

Calculation of Foundation Settelments by Applying settle 3D

Lipjan, Kosovo

Vertical loads can cause deformations (settelments) on foundations depending on soil formations. These deformations occur mainly when we are dealing with rising or falling of the groundwater level, where the phenomenon of swelling and shrinkage of the soil appears. To have a more realistic picture of the situation we must have sufficient data. In this case, data from geological-geomechanical research were taken and physical-mechanical parameters were analyzed, with these parameters the ground deformations were calculated. For each construction, the allowed safety factor must be issued that meets the condition q a >Ds z In this paper are taken into account the calculations of deformations according to loads using two comparative methods: according to settle 3D and empirical formulas which are taken as real and applied values. Most of these data are applied directly in the field, the numerical values of the deformations are harmonized in accordance with the permissible geotechnical standards