Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment
Lateral behavior of RC Buildings is a great importance when it is in question the earthquake happening, so in this paper are presented the differences between buildings which have slabs without beams compared with those that in their slabs have included beams. Analysis is done for low and middle rise building, because these buildings are predominant in our region. The reason why we have analyzed here the lateral behavior of such cases is due to the fact that nowadays around us are used so many building using slabs without beams because they represent a flexible solution in functional organizing the internal area in the aspect of architectural requirements. Analysis is done for some typical cases just to present the differences in the aspect of lateral behavior and important parameters such are: inter-story drifts, top displacements and some other similar parameters when is in question the lateral displacements.
Capacity, Rigid Slabs, Inter-story Drifts, Top Displacement.
Session Chair
Muhamet Ahmeti
Session Co-Chair
Feti Selmani
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 9:00 AM
End Date
31-10-2020 10:30 AM
Recommended Citation
Hetemi, Ilir and Hetemi, Arbnor, "Differences of Lateral Behavior of Buildings with RC Slabs without beams vs. RC Slabs with beams" (2020). UBT International Conference. 228.
Differences of Lateral Behavior of Buildings with RC Slabs without beams vs. RC Slabs with beams
Lipjan, Kosovo
Lateral behavior of RC Buildings is a great importance when it is in question the earthquake happening, so in this paper are presented the differences between buildings which have slabs without beams compared with those that in their slabs have included beams. Analysis is done for low and middle rise building, because these buildings are predominant in our region. The reason why we have analyzed here the lateral behavior of such cases is due to the fact that nowadays around us are used so many building using slabs without beams because they represent a flexible solution in functional organizing the internal area in the aspect of architectural requirements. Analysis is done for some typical cases just to present the differences in the aspect of lateral behavior and important parameters such are: inter-story drifts, top displacements and some other similar parameters when is in question the lateral displacements.