UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Identification and Reduction of Conflict Points Through the Round Circulation Proposal

Identification and Reduction of Conflict Points Through the Round Circulation Proposal


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Heavy traffic on roads and traffic jam is becoming a very concerning phenomena not only for the traffic users but for the persons who deal with this phenomenon. Increasing number of traffic users such as cars` users and the vehicles on traffic, has caused the long line of vehicles on roads causing to the driver wasting the time, being behind the schedule and not realizing the plans, and feeling nervous. Studying this topic, at first is treating some of the mistakes made on traffic, particularly on roundabout, that could not be presented or eliminated from the very beginning of the building of the roundabout. Now, by the reconceptual project, the idea of eliminating the conflict points has been given, black pots and reduction of the accident cases and benefits of time now days that life became very dynamic, and we do need the ease movements on traffic, and so for all categories of vehicles


traffic, traffic safety, intersections, roundabouts, priority and benefit

Session Chair

Anjeza Alaj Murati

Session Co-Chair

Arbëresha Kastrati

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 5:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:30 PM Oct 31st, 5:00 PM

Identification and Reduction of Conflict Points Through the Round Circulation Proposal

Lipjan, Kosovo

Heavy traffic on roads and traffic jam is becoming a very concerning phenomena not only for the traffic users but for the persons who deal with this phenomenon. Increasing number of traffic users such as cars` users and the vehicles on traffic, has caused the long line of vehicles on roads causing to the driver wasting the time, being behind the schedule and not realizing the plans, and feeling nervous. Studying this topic, at first is treating some of the mistakes made on traffic, particularly on roundabout, that could not be presented or eliminated from the very beginning of the building of the roundabout. Now, by the reconceptual project, the idea of eliminating the conflict points has been given, black pots and reduction of the accident cases and benefits of time now days that life became very dynamic, and we do need the ease movements on traffic, and so for all categories of vehicles