UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Determination the Dynamics of Occurrence of Scolytus Rugulosus on Fruit Orchards in Junik Region _ Kosovo

Determination the Dynamics of Occurrence of Scolytus Rugulosus on Fruit Orchards in Junik Region _ Kosovo


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Top Fruit crops represent important economic activity in the Junik area, in Western Kosovo. An ever-expanding young industry faces with stresses caused by Scolytus Rugulosus (Shothole borer), an insect-pest which damages various parts of the fruit trees. This study was carried out to determine the dynamics of the pest fly in Top Fruit plantations with Apple, Sweet Cherry, and Sour Cherry crops. A passive sampling method was implemented with the use of Ethanol traps for trapping insects. The counting of trapped insects was done on daily basis. Temperature and air humidity in the study area were measured too. First adults were detected in the second week of March while the maximum emerge was in April month. At temperatures of 18-20 0 C the presence of adult insect increases, however, in late March and early April when temperatures have dropped below zero during the night and went up to + 7 0 C during the day, a significant number of adult insects were trapped too.


Scolytus Rugulosus, Apple, Sweet Cherry, Sour Cherry, Junik.

Session Chair

Kastriot Pehlivani

Session Co-Chair

Violeta Lajqi Makolli/ Ismet Babaj

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Determination the Dynamics of Occurrence of Scolytus Rugulosus on Fruit Orchards in Junik Region _ Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

Top Fruit crops represent important economic activity in the Junik area, in Western Kosovo. An ever-expanding young industry faces with stresses caused by Scolytus Rugulosus (Shothole borer), an insect-pest which damages various parts of the fruit trees. This study was carried out to determine the dynamics of the pest fly in Top Fruit plantations with Apple, Sweet Cherry, and Sour Cherry crops. A passive sampling method was implemented with the use of Ethanol traps for trapping insects. The counting of trapped insects was done on daily basis. Temperature and air humidity in the study area were measured too. First adults were detected in the second week of March while the maximum emerge was in April month. At temperatures of 18-20 0 C the presence of adult insect increases, however, in late March and early April when temperatures have dropped below zero during the night and went up to + 7 0 C during the day, a significant number of adult insects were trapped too.