UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Finding the optimal cross section shape of the columns of a multi-story reinforced concrete structure in terms of structural behavior and technical – economical perspective.

Finding the optimal cross section shape of the columns of a multi-story reinforced concrete structure in terms of structural behavior and technical – economical perspective.


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


With the growth of population every year, more and more increases the role of high- rise structures, and therefore the design of these structures should have a greater importance. Earthquake plays and important role in shaping the structural elements of a building. The biggest damage to buildings occurs due to columns damage, which comes because of their wrong design. This research will analyze the effect of specific cross section column shapes in the global performance of a RC building. In this paper, we will analyze the structural and technical-economic performance of a 20 story building in Pristina Kosovo. A comparison will be conducted between different cross section shapes of columns, this to find the most optimal cross section shape in terms of seismic and technical economic performance. For each specific cross section shape, we will analyze the economic value, based on the market value in Kosovo, and the seismic performance. These two components will play a key role in determining the optimal cross section shape of the inner columns of a high-rise building.


Reinforced Concrete Columns, Seismic Design, High-rise buildings, Cross-section, Technical – economic analyze

Session Chair

Egla Luca

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 5:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 6:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 5:15 PM Oct 31st, 6:00 PM

Finding the optimal cross section shape of the columns of a multi-story reinforced concrete structure in terms of structural behavior and technical – economical perspective.

Lipjan, Kosovo

With the growth of population every year, more and more increases the role of high- rise structures, and therefore the design of these structures should have a greater importance. Earthquake plays and important role in shaping the structural elements of a building. The biggest damage to buildings occurs due to columns damage, which comes because of their wrong design. This research will analyze the effect of specific cross section column shapes in the global performance of a RC building. In this paper, we will analyze the structural and technical-economic performance of a 20 story building in Pristina Kosovo. A comparison will be conducted between different cross section shapes of columns, this to find the most optimal cross section shape in terms of seismic and technical economic performance. For each specific cross section shape, we will analyze the economic value, based on the market value in Kosovo, and the seismic performance. These two components will play a key role in determining the optimal cross section shape of the inner columns of a high-rise building.