Computer Science and Communication Engineering
The rapid developments of technology which have brought with them a host of benefits to humanity have also left behind a host of spaces which have mostly aided cyber piracy who exploit the many benefits of the internet for purposes that are in their favor,but these actions which negatively affect the privacy of all internet users. In this project I will present some modifications which are enabled through the 16x16 square of Dionis with 256 elements based in the Masonic Cipher method, with the help of which based on the rules I have created and developed it is different from all the others that have been presented so far containing some specific specifications within it, in order to make the possibility of decryption as difficult as possible for the abusers, but understandable to implement.
Encryption, Decryption, Dionis Square, Masonic Cipher
Session Chair
Zhilbert Tafa
Session Co-Chair
Xhafer Krasniqi
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 1:30 PM
End Date
31-10-2020 4:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Shabani, Dionis, "Usage of the symbols and Dionis square in the cryptosystem of Dionis" (2020). UBT International Conference. 311.
Usage of the symbols and Dionis square in the cryptosystem of Dionis
Lipjan, Kosovo
The rapid developments of technology which have brought with them a host of benefits to humanity have also left behind a host of spaces which have mostly aided cyber piracy who exploit the many benefits of the internet for purposes that are in their favor,but these actions which negatively affect the privacy of all internet users. In this project I will present some modifications which are enabled through the 16x16 square of Dionis with 256 elements based in the Masonic Cipher method, with the help of which based on the rules I have created and developed it is different from all the others that have been presented so far containing some specific specifications within it, in order to make the possibility of decryption as difficult as possible for the abusers, but understandable to implement.