UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Implementation of e-Urbanization in the Legal Framework of the Republic of North Macedonia


Architecture and Spatial Planning


The previous government found that e-business of public institutions, especially in the implementation of laws directly related to urban planning, investment and construction of buildings includes 4 key laws: Law on Construction Land, Law on Construction of Buildings, Law on Spatial and Urban Planning, Law on Cadastre and real estate. These are the foundations on which software solutions have been made for the implementation of legal proceedings in these areas. All this has led to being country ranked 10th out of 190 countries in the world on the Doing Business list in 2019. This system enables an efficient, transparent and unified way of acting of all competent bodies and entities according to the most modern standards, in the shortest possible time based on the submitted document-request. After those years of application of this system, this paper deals with a critical analysis of the current implementation and recording of possible weaknesses


e-Urbanism, Efficiency, Transparency, Unification

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Implementation of e-Urbanization in the Legal Framework of the Republic of North Macedonia

Lipjan, Kosovo

The previous government found that e-business of public institutions, especially in the implementation of laws directly related to urban planning, investment and construction of buildings includes 4 key laws: Law on Construction Land, Law on Construction of Buildings, Law on Spatial and Urban Planning, Law on Cadastre and real estate. These are the foundations on which software solutions have been made for the implementation of legal proceedings in these areas. All this has led to being country ranked 10th out of 190 countries in the world on the Doing Business list in 2019. This system enables an efficient, transparent and unified way of acting of all competent bodies and entities according to the most modern standards, in the shortest possible time based on the submitted document-request. After those years of application of this system, this paper deals with a critical analysis of the current implementation and recording of possible weaknesses