UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Water quality assessment in the Alpine Lakes in the southern part of the Republic of Kosovo

Water quality assessment in the Alpine Lakes in the southern part of the Republic of Kosovo


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Alpine lakes are characteristic of high altitudes, located mainly in areas where there are no settlements. The lakes are located an altitude of over 2000 meters, their depth varies from 1m to 2m, their width from 25 to over 40m, surface from 625m to over 1600 m 2 . Most alpine lakes are covered in ice during the winter. Water quality in these lakes is the main factor that controls the status of surface water, the change in water quality is essentially a combination of anthropogenic and natural contribution. The study analyzed the physico-chemical parameters of water quality and community of macrozobenthos and diatoms in three lakes. Sampling and laboratory analysis were performed in the period 2018. Based on the data analysis of physico- chemical parameters, macrozoobenthos and diatoms the water quality in these lakes belongs to the good class.


quality, alpine, lakes, parameter, community, physico-chemical

Session Chair

Fidan Feka

Session Co-Chair

Hyzer Rizani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:45 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:15 PM Oct 31st, 4:45 PM

Water quality assessment in the Alpine Lakes in the southern part of the Republic of Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

Alpine lakes are characteristic of high altitudes, located mainly in areas where there are no settlements. The lakes are located an altitude of over 2000 meters, their depth varies from 1m to 2m, their width from 25 to over 40m, surface from 625m to over 1600 m 2 . Most alpine lakes are covered in ice during the winter. Water quality in these lakes is the main factor that controls the status of surface water, the change in water quality is essentially a combination of anthropogenic and natural contribution. The study analyzed the physico-chemical parameters of water quality and community of macrozobenthos and diatoms in three lakes. Sampling and laboratory analysis were performed in the period 2018. Based on the data analysis of physico- chemical parameters, macrozoobenthos and diatoms the water quality in these lakes belongs to the good class.