UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Localization of tamm-horsfall protein in different parts of the kidney in chronic tubulointerstitial diseases

Localization of tamm-horsfall protein in different parts of the kidney in chronic tubulointerstitial diseases


Medicine and Nursing


The immunohistochemical method was applied with the aim of determining the localization of the Tamm-Horsfall protein in the intracellular areas of the different parts of the nephron,as well as its localization at the interstitium of the kidneys.Of the 101 cases with chronic tubulointerstitial diseases,48 were chronic obstructive pyelonephritis cases and 53 werw chronic nonobstructive pyelonephritis cases accompanied with a vesico-uretheral reflux.The methods that have been applied:Hematoxilin-eozin,PAS(Periodic Acid Schiff).After that,blocks of paraffin which proved PAS-pozitive were applied the specific immunohistochemical method,carried out with PAP reaction of the specific primary antibody(Tamm-Horsfall anti-beta-2glycoprotein).The immunocytochemical reaction was mainly the shape of(bigger or smaller) granular precipitates of dark on brown or yellow to brown color.Mosaic type reaction dominated all the preparations.The results reached at by the application of the immunohistochemical method show the presence of Tamm-Horsfall protein in the form of diffuse amorphous precipitates in the interstitium and chronic inflammatory infiltrates and macrophages gathering around them.This method also enables us to distinguish the presence of this protein substance,in the granular or mosaic form,in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells of the distal tubules of nephron,as well in the macrophages seated in the interstitium,mainly around the amorphous precipitates of this protein.In other parts of the nephron the immunocytochemical reaction was negative.


Chronic tubulointerstitial diseases, immunohistochemistry.

Session Chair

Ilir Ahmetgjekaj

Session Co-Chair

Nagib Elshani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 5:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:00 PM Oct 31st, 5:00 PM

Localization of tamm-horsfall protein in different parts of the kidney in chronic tubulointerstitial diseases

Lipjan, Kosovo

The immunohistochemical method was applied with the aim of determining the localization of the Tamm-Horsfall protein in the intracellular areas of the different parts of the nephron,as well as its localization at the interstitium of the kidneys.Of the 101 cases with chronic tubulointerstitial diseases,48 were chronic obstructive pyelonephritis cases and 53 werw chronic nonobstructive pyelonephritis cases accompanied with a vesico-uretheral reflux.The methods that have been applied:Hematoxilin-eozin,PAS(Periodic Acid Schiff).After that,blocks of paraffin which proved PAS-pozitive were applied the specific immunohistochemical method,carried out with PAP reaction of the specific primary antibody(Tamm-Horsfall anti-beta-2glycoprotein).The immunocytochemical reaction was mainly the shape of(bigger or smaller) granular precipitates of dark on brown or yellow to brown color.Mosaic type reaction dominated all the preparations.The results reached at by the application of the immunohistochemical method show the presence of Tamm-Horsfall protein in the form of diffuse amorphous precipitates in the interstitium and chronic inflammatory infiltrates and macrophages gathering around them.This method also enables us to distinguish the presence of this protein substance,in the granular or mosaic form,in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells of the distal tubules of nephron,as well in the macrophages seated in the interstitium,mainly around the amorphous precipitates of this protein.In other parts of the nephron the immunocytochemical reaction was negative.