UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The attitude towards abortion and the social status in ferizaj inhabitants

The attitude towards abortion and the social status in ferizaj inhabitants


Medicine and Nursing


Abortion has incited debate in many countries, starting from smaller communities to government levels. States have approved various acts on this issue, yet many have encountered community opposition and reaction. The attitude towards abortion depends on many factors of the community, thus we decided to assess the attitudes towards abortion of Municipality of Ferizaj inhabitants, which represents the purpose of this paper. The methodology used is the non-experimental methodology. The total number includes 200 randomly selected subjects from the total sample of the Ferizaj inhabitants, surveying each subject voluntarily and respecting all ethics and moral norms in maintaining the subjects’ anonymity. The results of non-parametric comparative statistics show that there are statistically significant differences in abortion attitudes according to economic status, as well as statistically significant differences in abortion attitudes according to the number of children in the family. It also was found that there are differences in attitudes towards abortion according to the readiness to undergo an abortion.


attitude, abortion, social status

Session Chair

Shqiptar Demaci

Session Co-Chair

Abdullah Gruda

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

The attitude towards abortion and the social status in ferizaj inhabitants

Lipjan, Kosovo

Abortion has incited debate in many countries, starting from smaller communities to government levels. States have approved various acts on this issue, yet many have encountered community opposition and reaction. The attitude towards abortion depends on many factors of the community, thus we decided to assess the attitudes towards abortion of Municipality of Ferizaj inhabitants, which represents the purpose of this paper. The methodology used is the non-experimental methodology. The total number includes 200 randomly selected subjects from the total sample of the Ferizaj inhabitants, surveying each subject voluntarily and respecting all ethics and moral norms in maintaining the subjects’ anonymity. The results of non-parametric comparative statistics show that there are statistically significant differences in abortion attitudes according to economic status, as well as statistically significant differences in abortion attitudes according to the number of children in the family. It also was found that there are differences in attitudes towards abortion according to the readiness to undergo an abortion.