UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The role of the family physicians and nurses in detection and treatment of sexual disorders

The role of the family physicians and nurses in detection and treatment of sexual disorders


Medicine and Nursing


Doctors and nurses in Family Medicine are the "gateway" or first contact of the patient who seeks to find solutions to problems related to his health in general and sexual health in particular. With the increase in the prevalence of cases of sexual disorders in middle-aged and elderly people, the need to manage these problems should be routine in family medicine. The approach and professional skills of GP and nurses are prerequisites for the patient to express themselves freely and talk about something that is very private and somewhat embarrassing.Aim:Emphasizing the importance that doctors and nurses have in Family Medicine Centers in detecting and treating or guiding patients with problems in the field of sexual health is the main goal of this presentation. However, raising awareness of decision-makers and relevant institutions about the possibility of training or other education in this area is a secondary goal.Current situation :Based on the information received from consulting with patients, they have never been asked or examined for sexual disorders during their visit to the family doctor. The situation is almost the same in other countries. Due to the nature of the problem and the unwillingness of both parties, the health staff and the patient, to talk about sexuality a great gap has been created in the discussion and treatment of sexual disorders. One of the main reasons for not discussing these problems is the lack of comfort and fear of dealing with these problems by health personnel. Generally, family physicians have a low level of knowledge about sexual functioning.Conclusions There is a great need for education and training of health personnel on the way of communication and obtaining sexual history. Increasing knowledge about sexual function of their patients can help overcome problems and prevent many consequences, especially those in the cardiovascular system and psychological well-being.

Session Chair

Besnik Elshani

Session Co-Chair

Valdete Serreqi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

The role of the family physicians and nurses in detection and treatment of sexual disorders

Lipjan, Kosovo

Doctors and nurses in Family Medicine are the "gateway" or first contact of the patient who seeks to find solutions to problems related to his health in general and sexual health in particular. With the increase in the prevalence of cases of sexual disorders in middle-aged and elderly people, the need to manage these problems should be routine in family medicine. The approach and professional skills of GP and nurses are prerequisites for the patient to express themselves freely and talk about something that is very private and somewhat embarrassing.Aim:Emphasizing the importance that doctors and nurses have in Family Medicine Centers in detecting and treating or guiding patients with problems in the field of sexual health is the main goal of this presentation. However, raising awareness of decision-makers and relevant institutions about the possibility of training or other education in this area is a secondary goal.Current situation :Based on the information received from consulting with patients, they have never been asked or examined for sexual disorders during their visit to the family doctor. The situation is almost the same in other countries. Due to the nature of the problem and the unwillingness of both parties, the health staff and the patient, to talk about sexuality a great gap has been created in the discussion and treatment of sexual disorders. One of the main reasons for not discussing these problems is the lack of comfort and fear of dealing with these problems by health personnel. Generally, family physicians have a low level of knowledge about sexual functioning.Conclusions There is a great need for education and training of health personnel on the way of communication and obtaining sexual history. Increasing knowledge about sexual function of their patients can help overcome problems and prevent many consequences, especially those in the cardiovascular system and psychological well-being.