UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Attitudes of adolescents and emerging adults toward people living with HIV – qualitative study

Attitudes of adolescents and emerging adults toward people living with HIV – qualitative study




The aim of this study is to obtain a better understanding of attitudes toward HIV people from perspective of adolescents and emerging adults in Kosova. In order to examine and analyze attitudes, we have used qualitative methods as main methodological approach. In total there were four focus groups that were organized with two target groups: adolescents and emerging adults. Seven to eight subjects were part of each focus group. Thematic analysis was used to analyse focus group transcripts. Result of the study showed that attitudes of subjects towards people living with HIV were tolerant and positive. Emerging adults and female subjects tend to have more positive attitudes towards HIV people, compared with adolescents and male subjects.


attitudes, HIV, adolescents, emerging adults, qualitative method

Session Chair

Violeta Zefi

Session Co-Chair

Denis Celcima

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

Attitudes of adolescents and emerging adults toward people living with HIV – qualitative study

Lipjan, Kosovo

The aim of this study is to obtain a better understanding of attitudes toward HIV people from perspective of adolescents and emerging adults in Kosova. In order to examine and analyze attitudes, we have used qualitative methods as main methodological approach. In total there were four focus groups that were organized with two target groups: adolescents and emerging adults. Seven to eight subjects were part of each focus group. Thematic analysis was used to analyse focus group transcripts. Result of the study showed that attitudes of subjects towards people living with HIV were tolerant and positive. Emerging adults and female subjects tend to have more positive attitudes towards HIV people, compared with adolescents and male subjects.