UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Determinant Factors of Human Resource Motivation in Non-Governmental Organizations

Determinant Factors of Human Resource Motivation in Non-Governmental Organizations


Management, Business and Economics


In modern 21st century society the need for civil society activation is increasingly emerging. Non-Governmental Organizations represent one of the most widespread forms of this mobilization. In the most common format, a non-governmental organization is a voluntary group or institution with a social mission, and independent of the policy-making government and their reference may differ by location of origin. Finding and motivating human resources is being seen as one of the most pressing problems for both NGOs and businesses. For this reason, in this paper we will present the determinants of human resource motivation in non-governmental organizations. Motivation is defined as the impetus or incentive to accomplish certain tasks. In this paper we have analyzed the relationship between financial rewards and other types of reward to motivate human resources in NGOs.


motivation, material compensation, intangible compensation, human resources, non-governmental organizations

Session Chair

Arta Mulliqi

Session Co-Chair

Amir Imeri

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Determinant Factors of Human Resource Motivation in Non-Governmental Organizations

Lipjan, Kosovo

In modern 21st century society the need for civil society activation is increasingly emerging. Non-Governmental Organizations represent one of the most widespread forms of this mobilization. In the most common format, a non-governmental organization is a voluntary group or institution with a social mission, and independent of the policy-making government and their reference may differ by location of origin. Finding and motivating human resources is being seen as one of the most pressing problems for both NGOs and businesses. For this reason, in this paper we will present the determinants of human resource motivation in non-governmental organizations. Motivation is defined as the impetus or incentive to accomplish certain tasks. In this paper we have analyzed the relationship between financial rewards and other types of reward to motivate human resources in NGOs.