UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Macroeconomic Stability Objectives


Management, Business and Economics


Macroeconomic stability was and is one of the most important pillars of every country that seeks empowerment such as investments, increasing efficiency, utilizing natural resources, honing human capital etc. one of the main points that helps the economy and its stable growth is the people themselves, especially that of the work force also knowns as Human Capital. This research paper conducted by the above mentioned actors, targets the issue of this very first pillar of the MSO, elaborating the Kosovo Human Capital (workforce), along with the workforce of other countries located within the Western Balkans: Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. With the help of SPSS, a software package used for statistical analysis, method One-Way Anova, post hoc tests states that there is indeed a difference between compared means. The hypothesis concluded by Anova states that the compared means between Macedonia doesn’t differ from BaH but differs from the other group means, Montenegro doesn’t differ from Albania and Serbia but differs from other group means and Albania doesn’t differ from Serbia but differs from other group means. In conclusion to group the researched and compared means, Serbia, Albania and Montenegro can’t be compared in-between they can be compared with Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. Macedonia and BaH can’t be compared in-between but can be compared with the first group of means (Serbia, Albania and Montenegro) and the third group means Kosovo, which implies that Kosovo is compared with all group means.



Session Chair

Bashkim Nurboja

Session Co-Chair

Florin Aliu

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:45 PM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 31st, 3:15 PM Oct 31st, 4:45 PM

Macroeconomic Stability Objectives

Lipjan, Kosovo

Macroeconomic stability was and is one of the most important pillars of every country that seeks empowerment such as investments, increasing efficiency, utilizing natural resources, honing human capital etc. one of the main points that helps the economy and its stable growth is the people themselves, especially that of the work force also knowns as Human Capital. This research paper conducted by the above mentioned actors, targets the issue of this very first pillar of the MSO, elaborating the Kosovo Human Capital (workforce), along with the workforce of other countries located within the Western Balkans: Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. With the help of SPSS, a software package used for statistical analysis, method One-Way Anova, post hoc tests states that there is indeed a difference between compared means. The hypothesis concluded by Anova states that the compared means between Macedonia doesn’t differ from BaH but differs from the other group means, Montenegro doesn’t differ from Albania and Serbia but differs from other group means and Albania doesn’t differ from Serbia but differs from other group means. In conclusion to group the researched and compared means, Serbia, Albania and Montenegro can’t be compared in-between they can be compared with Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. Macedonia and BaH can’t be compared in-between but can be compared with the first group of means (Serbia, Albania and Montenegro) and the third group means Kosovo, which implies that Kosovo is compared with all group means.