UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Fokusimi i Platformës së E-Prokurimit në Kosovë

Fokusimi i Platformës së E-Prokurimit në Kosovë


Management, Business and Economics


The purpose of this research is to analyze public e-procurement in the Republic of Kosovo focusing on the advantages and disadvantages that this process offers to economic operators who have contracts or apply for contracts for the sale of products and services. This research presents research questions on e-procurement and tries to give a focused overview of the state of public e-procurement in the Republic of Kosovo and whether the implementation of e-procurement is bringing the advantages and objectives presented in the procurement strategy of the Republic of Kosovo. To measure this, a survey questionnaire was conducted to collect data from operators who have at least once used the e-procurement service to apply or contract a product or service with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. To achieve the purpose of the research, a measurement and descriptive research has been designed that aims to answer the questions posed during the paper. The research was conducted using quantitative research methodology. The descriptive design of the research was adopted because it described the phenomena under study in its natural environments. Statistical methods of correlation and linerar regression were also used to analyze the correlation and dependence of the performance variable with other independent variables.According to the correlation analysis, the correlation between performance during procurement and procurement transparency does not exist in economic operators while the correlation between the level of corruption and performance is moderate and the correlation between transparency and corruption is relatively weak.


procurement, transparency, performance, corruption, economic operators, state institutions

Session Chair

Ylber Limani

Session Co-Chair

Gonxhe Beqiri

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:45 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:15 PM Oct 31st, 4:45 PM

Fokusimi i Platformës së E-Prokurimit në Kosovë

Lipjan, Kosovo

The purpose of this research is to analyze public e-procurement in the Republic of Kosovo focusing on the advantages and disadvantages that this process offers to economic operators who have contracts or apply for contracts for the sale of products and services. This research presents research questions on e-procurement and tries to give a focused overview of the state of public e-procurement in the Republic of Kosovo and whether the implementation of e-procurement is bringing the advantages and objectives presented in the procurement strategy of the Republic of Kosovo. To measure this, a survey questionnaire was conducted to collect data from operators who have at least once used the e-procurement service to apply or contract a product or service with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. To achieve the purpose of the research, a measurement and descriptive research has been designed that aims to answer the questions posed during the paper. The research was conducted using quantitative research methodology. The descriptive design of the research was adopted because it described the phenomena under study in its natural environments. Statistical methods of correlation and linerar regression were also used to analyze the correlation and dependence of the performance variable with other independent variables.According to the correlation analysis, the correlation between performance during procurement and procurement transparency does not exist in economic operators while the correlation between the level of corruption and performance is moderate and the correlation between transparency and corruption is relatively weak.