UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Kosovo’s exposition to hybrid threats


Security Studies


The state of Kosovo is located in a geo-strategic position of the Western Balkans, and continuously is exposed to threats of interference by Serbia, whether directly or in other forms, like the hybrid threats. Kosovo is lagging behind in receiving more recognitions of the states in the world, and Serbia’s mature engagement in order to make obstacles in its membership in international organizations, in one hand, and the political crises accompanied by frequent early parliamentary elections, on the other hand, are sufficient political and theoretical circumstances in taking our decision for the analysis of the hybrid threats in Kosovo. Since the trends and the international developments in Western Balkans exclude the classical war as a mean for reaching goals, now the war is being developed in other forms, like diplomatic, economic, and technological ones. In referring to the theoretical definitions, the hybrid threats dedicate to the use of methods and means by a state or non-state actor, which decides to influence practically or strengthen its influence, in order to increase its interests, strategies, and evil-minded goals. These definitions mostly fit to the special war of Serbia against Kosovo. The fact that Kosovo does not have a special platform for reading the potential hybrid services, gives bigger interest to our scientific analysis. The legal, political and economic aspect, the media aspect, as well, without excluding the classical spying, that Serbia can still use in Kosovo, will be part of our scientific analysis. I must emphasize the measures to be proposed in a manner that Kosovo will be able to identify easier the destructive and destabilizing elements within its territory that contribute to Serbia’s interest, and damaging Kosovo.


Kosovo, security, hybrid threats

Session Chair

Alfred Malreku

Session Co-Chair

Ahmet Nuredini

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM




Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Kosovo’s exposition to hybrid threats

Lipjan, Kosovo

The state of Kosovo is located in a geo-strategic position of the Western Balkans, and continuously is exposed to threats of interference by Serbia, whether directly or in other forms, like the hybrid threats. Kosovo is lagging behind in receiving more recognitions of the states in the world, and Serbia’s mature engagement in order to make obstacles in its membership in international organizations, in one hand, and the political crises accompanied by frequent early parliamentary elections, on the other hand, are sufficient political and theoretical circumstances in taking our decision for the analysis of the hybrid threats in Kosovo. Since the trends and the international developments in Western Balkans exclude the classical war as a mean for reaching goals, now the war is being developed in other forms, like diplomatic, economic, and technological ones. In referring to the theoretical definitions, the hybrid threats dedicate to the use of methods and means by a state or non-state actor, which decides to influence practically or strengthen its influence, in order to increase its interests, strategies, and evil-minded goals. These definitions mostly fit to the special war of Serbia against Kosovo. The fact that Kosovo does not have a special platform for reading the potential hybrid services, gives bigger interest to our scientific analysis. The legal, political and economic aspect, the media aspect, as well, without excluding the classical spying, that Serbia can still use in Kosovo, will be part of our scientific analysis. I must emphasize the measures to be proposed in a manner that Kosovo will be able to identify easier the destructive and destabilizing elements within its territory that contribute to Serbia’s interest, and damaging Kosovo.