UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Information security and feeling of public insecurity in covid-19 pandemic circumstances

Presenter Information

Ahmet Nuredini, AKSP, VushtrriFollow


Security Studies


This paper aims to present a model of information security in the context of the global pandemic "COVID-19". The world today is facing the "COVID-19" virus that made life difficult for citizens and created the sense of insecurity for the public around the world. The global pandemic "COVID-19" created a challenging situation in all areas, especially in the field of public safety. This situation challenged the work of educational, economic and in particular the work of health and security institutions. Criminals of various profiles are exploiting the fear and insecurity from the pandemic, especially those dealing with cybercrime such as hackers and cyber criminals who are taking advantage of the situation to attack computer networks, information systems, businesses and even global organizations.With the spread of the coronavirus, the security of information in Kosovo and the world has been endangered, because many profiles that spread false news have been created and are mainly related to the new virus, or even individual cyber-attacks and attacks on various companies have been activated.The transfer of work from home to the office on one hand has created facilities and security for employees because the fact that they work from home offers greater security and prevents their infection with the virus "COVID 19" but on the other hand it was followed by the risk of information security. Initially hackers attempted to access various organizations through workers who work from home, because at home the infrastructure for work is weaker.


security, information, crime, cyber, covid-19

Session Chair

Gjon Culaj

Session Co-Chair

Besnik Aliu

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM




Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

Information security and feeling of public insecurity in covid-19 pandemic circumstances

Lipjan, Kosovo

This paper aims to present a model of information security in the context of the global pandemic "COVID-19". The world today is facing the "COVID-19" virus that made life difficult for citizens and created the sense of insecurity for the public around the world. The global pandemic "COVID-19" created a challenging situation in all areas, especially in the field of public safety. This situation challenged the work of educational, economic and in particular the work of health and security institutions. Criminals of various profiles are exploiting the fear and insecurity from the pandemic, especially those dealing with cybercrime such as hackers and cyber criminals who are taking advantage of the situation to attack computer networks, information systems, businesses and even global organizations.With the spread of the coronavirus, the security of information in Kosovo and the world has been endangered, because many profiles that spread false news have been created and are mainly related to the new virus, or even individual cyber-attacks and attacks on various companies have been activated.The transfer of work from home to the office on one hand has created facilities and security for employees because the fact that they work from home offers greater security and prevents their infection with the virus "COVID 19" but on the other hand it was followed by the risk of information security. Initially hackers attempted to access various organizations through workers who work from home, because at home the infrastructure for work is weaker.