UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Comparison And Evaluation Of Methods For Managing LMS In Republic Of Kosovo Universities

Comparison And Evaluation Of Methods For Managing LMS In Republic Of Kosovo Universities


Information Systems and Security


Using technology can be seen as an innovative challenge to restructure the teaching- learning process and integrate LMS in independent, collaborative and interactive work. Teaching and Learning are no longer restricted to traditional classrooms, while e-learning has become one of the most powerful supporting tools which have diversified the traditional context of learning in higher education. Knowledge management system is one of information system that supporting knowledge management implementation in government which categorized as people perspective, because this system has high dependency in human interaction and participation. Strategic plan for developing knowledge management system can be determine using some of information system strategic methods. This paper conducted to define type of strategic method of information system, stage of activity each method, strength and weakness. Literature review methods used to identify and classify strategic methods of information system, differentiate method type, categorize common activities, strength and weakness. The results showed that higher education institutions preparation stage regarding the application of e-learning, whereas private ones have applied this system since their foundation, and use it on daily basis where they perform all the services. They are a step forward related to demand- based learning that means giving the student more freedom of choice in his or her learning program.


Learning Management System (LMS), E-learning, Higher Education, Integration, risk analysis

Session Chair

Agon Mehmeti

Session Co-Chair

Blerton Abazi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Comparison And Evaluation Of Methods For Managing LMS In Republic Of Kosovo Universities

Lipjan, Kosovo

Using technology can be seen as an innovative challenge to restructure the teaching- learning process and integrate LMS in independent, collaborative and interactive work. Teaching and Learning are no longer restricted to traditional classrooms, while e-learning has become one of the most powerful supporting tools which have diversified the traditional context of learning in higher education. Knowledge management system is one of information system that supporting knowledge management implementation in government which categorized as people perspective, because this system has high dependency in human interaction and participation. Strategic plan for developing knowledge management system can be determine using some of information system strategic methods. This paper conducted to define type of strategic method of information system, stage of activity each method, strength and weakness. Literature review methods used to identify and classify strategic methods of information system, differentiate method type, categorize common activities, strength and weakness. The results showed that higher education institutions preparation stage regarding the application of e-learning, whereas private ones have applied this system since their foundation, and use it on daily basis where they perform all the services. They are a step forward related to demand- based learning that means giving the student more freedom of choice in his or her learning program.