Dental Sciences | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
9:00 AM

In vitro effect of etching time and polymerization duration on the shear bond strengths to dentin


Xhevdet Aliu, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Nexhmije Ajeti, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Kastriot Meqa, University of Prishtina
Fisnik Aliu, University of Prishtina
Merita Sveqla, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Lumturije Asllani, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The effect of dentine etching time with H 3 PO 4 37% (20 and 60 sec) and composite polymerization duration (60 and 180 sec) on the shear bond strengths to dentin was evaluated in vitro. Dentine was treated with H 3 PO 4 37% in duration of 20 and 60 sec, before (Syntac ® ) was applied. The composite was polymerized for 60 and 180 sec. Data were analyzed with Anova and Tuckey test. Mean values for the first group (etching 20 sec / polymerization 60 sec) were 63.8 ± 3.7 N, for the second group (E 60 sec / P 60 sec) 111.7 ± 2.4 N, and for the third group (E 60 sec / P 180 sec) 132.8 ± 14.3 N. The control group (AdheSe ® ) had mean values 134.4 ± 15.5 N. There is significant difference found between the second and the first group (p

9:30 AM

Correlation between pericoronitis and the position of the third partially erupting mandibular molar

Ferijall Perjuci, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Enesë Morina, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Aida Rexhepi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Nexhmije Ajeti, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Vjosa Hamiti-Krasniqi, University for Business and Technology
Visar Bunjaku, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of the mandibular third molar and the potential risk for pericoronitis occurrence using clinical and radiographic analysis. In this study, were included 79 patients in which 127 partially erupted mandibular molars were diagnosed with pericoronitis including acute and chronic type. Patient data were recorded such as: name and surname, age, sex, clinical form of pericoronitis (acute and chronic). The position of the mandibular third molar was determined using orthopantomogram and in some cases computed tomography (CT), as well as clinically confirmed during surgery, since all teeth were surgically removed. The age of the most affected by pericoronitis is 21-25 years with 69.62% followed by the age group of 15-20 years (13.92%). No significant difference was observed between males and females. Partially erupted mandibular third molar in the vertical position is most often associated with pericoronitis in 42.5% of cases, followed by the mesioangular position in 29% of cases. The vertical position of the partially erupted third mandibular molar can be considered the position with high predisposition for the development of pericoronitis. Adequate and timely treatment enables the avoidance of episodes of acute pericoronitis while improving the quality of life.

Maxillary Second Molar with Single Root and Single Canal―Case Report

Nexhmije Ajeti, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Xhevdet Aliu, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Merita sveqla, University for Business and Technology
Visar Bunjaku, University for Business and Technology
Feriall Perjuci, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The maxillary second molar contains three roots and three canals. Variations of the maxillary second molar are reported in numerous studies in vitro and in vivo. Dentists are required to have adequate knowledge related to root canal morphology and their possible variations. The aim of this study was to present a case report about a diagnosis and treatment in maxillary second molar with single root and single canal. It is concluded that the diagnosing of these unusual cases is of high importance for successful endodontic treatment of these teeth.

Prophylaxis in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Agim Prokshaj, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The quote in medicine "Prevention is better than cure", undoubtedly has a special value in orthopedics of the jaw. Prophylaxis in dentistry mostly means prophylactic measures against caries and periodontopathy, while prophylaxis in orthopedics of the jaws means preventing the development of anomalies, reducing them, and early detection of them for efficient treatment. In this presentation will be described some of the prophylactic measures I have used during my professional work in Dentofacial Orthopedics. Not all congenital anomalies are inherited, and we can definitely prevent them from occurring. Premature loss of deciduous teeth leaves consequences in the development of permanent teeth and jaws, may lose the supporting areas of deciduous teeth, and develop orthodontic anomalies such as: Retention of permanent teeth, lack of place for permanent teeth development, teeth crowding, and jaw abnormalities. Permanent tooth loss can also cause abnormalities such as interdental diastema, tooth migration, inclination, rotation, etc. Prophylaxis is of particular importance in pregnant women, children with deciduous, mixed, and permanent dentition. Prophylaxis includes the removal of bad habits such as: Lip sucking (upper or lower lip), thumb sucking, tongue interposition between teeth, nail biting, breathing through the mouth, etc. Removing the soothing pacifier or pacifier after the age of twelve months prevents early childhood caries, open bites, and other orthodontic abnormalities. In the case of premature loss of deciduous teeth, a space maintainer must be applied for normal development of permanent teeth. The use of the vestibular plate prevents the development of open bites also in deciduous dentition. Based on the cases treated in my clinic, I conclude that the application of these prophylactic measures is very successful in preventing dentofacial abnormalities. Through these measures, even congenital skeletal abnormalities can be better managed, utilizing the forces of growth and development of the jaws and teeth.

10:45 AM

Ankyloglossia and its surgical treatment

Lumturije Asllani, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Merita sveqla, University for Business and Technology
Rajmonda Halili, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Ankyloglossia is known as tongue tie. It's a congenital oral pathology which causes problems with food consumption and swallowing, Dislalia or difficulty with articulating words, difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene, also other problems with tongue movement. This pathology comes from a short membrain, which serves to attach the tongue with the mouth floor. Clinical case. The patient is 26 years old, gender is female. Surgical intervention was not done at a young age, because her family did not take her to a proper doctor. Because of the ankyloglossia gingiva in the region of the incisors of the lower jaw, on the lingual side was pulled out of the frenulum and spaces were formed between the teeth. In these spaces tartar was deposited. The patient came to the stomatological department with these complaints. During the examination we noticed the adjacent frenulum. The patient did not know that Dislalia, a talking disorder was formed because of her adjacent frenulum. The patient couldn't pronounce some sounds like: t, l,ll, r, rr, th,s etc. We proposed her to have a surgical procedure, a frenectomy. After we removed the hard and soft depositions from the oral cavities and after we explained to her the troubles the adjacent frenulum had caused her she agreed to have a frenectomy. After removing the sutures and after healing from her operation wounds, the way she articulated words changed, the way she spoke, and the sounds she couldn't say before, she started to pronounce them and with this her social life changed for the better.

Ethics in Clinical Research on Application of Virtual Articulators in Dentistry


Dugagjin Sokoli, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Merita sveqla, University for Business and Technology
Burim Kiseri, University for Business and Technology
Kujtim Shala, University of Prishtina

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Just like any other medical research field, the investigation on the use of virtual articulators in dentistry has its ethical implications. Research ethics in oral and medical investigations are critical internationally. The privacy of any participant in the research is a non-negotiable and justice is crucial at all times during the research. We researched on various online research platforms and selected 12 research papers, out of 197, that treat the ethics in research in medical and dental clinical research. We identified 10 ethical issues that needs to be considered while doing clinical research on application of virtual articulators in dentistry. Those are: (1) Duty to society; (2) Beneficence; (3) Conflict of interest; (4) Informed consent; (5) Integrity; (6) Nondiscrimination; (7) Nonexploitation; (8) Privacy and confidentiality; (9) Professional competence; and (10) Professional discipline. Research ethics is a sensitive topic either when discussing human rights, the integrity of research, or conflict of interest. Research ethics, a wholesome practice, and preparation are crucial. Given that the research on the use of virtual articulator in dentistry is crucial to dental health around the globe, the studies should be of high accuracy. The research findings should be published fully, avoiding any form of plagiarism. Integrity is critical in any scientific research. Integrity builds the reputation of a research and the researcher involved. Peer reviewing is an appropriate measure to deal with integrity. It is where different

Who suffers from temporomandibular joint disorders, the factors that cause this problem, and how we treat it

Burim Kiseri, University for Business and Technology
Antigona Thaqi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Flaka Devolli, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Jeta Kiseri Kubati, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Dugagjin Sokoli, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) comprise a constellation of symptoms affecting the joints and muscles involved in jaw movement. Patients complain of orofacial pain, limited jaw opening, and clicking or popping sounds. Although pain is generally the defining characteristic of TMD, patients often report marked degrees of stress and interference in daily life. Functional and parafunctional habits are considered risk factors adding the psychophysiological theory where stress is a determinant factor in myofascial pain. Sex differences have been shown to cause TMD in which women take the leading role. The successful management of temporomandibular disorders relies on identifying and controlling the contributing factors. This article reviews recent studies on etiology, sex differences , psychological assessment, and the treatment of TMD

1:30 PM


Uran Halimi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Shqipe Krasniqi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

In this paper we will present the ways of treating permanent young teeth, especially for children from 6 years of age, because at this age the teeth start to emerge with the emergence of the first permanent molars. The treatment of teeth depends on the pathology of the tooth. Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment plan is also made. Another very important thing in the dental treatment plan is the development of the root, in which case we plan to treat that tooth through apexification or apogenesis. The purpose of this paper is to show ways of treating young permanent teeth, from initial caries to endodontic treatments. The methodology of this paper is descriptive based on the literature that speaks about permanent dental treatment. The results of the study are that young permanent teeth respond very well to stimulating therapy with CaOH, ZOOK which leads to the development of medicinal dentine. This is at the same time the advantage of younger people over older people. In cases of irreversible pulpitis, the methods of treatment depend on the degree of root apex formation that occurs 2-3 years after the eruption of that tooth.