Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
1:00 PM

Advantages and disadvantages of metal additive manufacturing

Betim Shabani, University for Business and Technology
Vlad Dukovski, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, SS. Cyril and Methodius University,

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

In recent years metal additive manufacturing (AM) has been present in different applications, which has increased the need for many investigations. The purpose of this research is to present opportunities and problems of metal AM by presenting some case studies implemented in practice. The presentation starts with the brief revue of AM technology and materials used and continue with analyses of two cases of parts produced with metal AM technology. Finally, current trends including the advantages and disadvantages of implementing metal AM in the industrial sector will be discussed.

Application of lean principles within SMEs in Kosovo manufacturing industry and benefits of implementation


Fatmir Azemi, University for Business and Technology
Goran Simunovic, University of Osijek, Mechanical Engineering Faculty-Slavonski Brod, Republic of Croatia
Roberto Lujic, University of Osijek, Mechanical Engineering Faculty-Slavonski Brod, Republic of Croatia
Haya Altaleb, Óbuda University, Budapest

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

By changing the way of production with the same resources engineers and managers always trying to increase outcomes. Lean is a method that is focused on reducing waste, it is used to manufacturing industries to reduce waste and, in the meantime, the quality is higher. Application of lean manufacturing into enterprises may bring many benefits and advantages such as time reduction to the customers, efficient usage of processes, less utilization of inventory, improvement of knowledge management, cost savings, and rework reduction. This paper has attempted to understand how lean manufacturing is being used in the Kosovo Manufacturing Industry and benefits implementation of lean manufacturing techniques and their facilities.

Computer-aided optical characterization and sensing applications: from minerals to waste


Giuseppe Bonifazi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials & Environment. Sapienza University of Rome,
Riccardo Gasbarrone, Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials & Environment. Sapienza University of Rome
Kliton Bylykbashi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Optical based characterization techniques and related analytical methodologies, originally utilized in the mineral sector, can be profitably applied to solid waste streams products as resulting from different recycling processes. This approach, when supported by digital tools allows to perform a full characterization of compositional and textural attributes of the different particulate solids constituting the waste flow streams. To reach this goal specific physical-chemical attributes must be collected, analyzed and processed in order to define, according to market requirements, specific classes of quality to assume as reference to define optimal processing strategies. Computer-assisted optical characterization, coupled with hyperspectral sensing devices and embedding recognition/classification logics, can contribute to reach these goals, dramatically reducing analytical time and costs. In this work an example of this “transfer approach”, from minerals to waste, is presented, analyzed and discussed, with reference to a porphyry copper ore sample and a WEEE product.

Diversity and Inclusion in Automation


Ines Bula, University for Business and Technology
Mary Doyle Kent, Department of Engineering Technology, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland,
Peter Kopacek, Institute for Mechanics and Mechatronics, IHRT, TUWien, Austria

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Diversity and inclusion are the vital to the long-term success of any business. In Industry 4.0 and 5.0 there is a requirement that engineering firms have the best talent to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. The best talent means offering engineering education to all members of society, including minority groups. Traditionally automation is not an engineering sector that attracts a diverse cohort. This paper looks at why science, technology engineering and math (STEM) in general, and automation in particular, flourishes when opened up to a more diverse and inclusive community and it offers insight as to how to attract this more diverse and inclusive society.

Implementation of Artificial Neural Network in Embedded Systems


Roni Kasemi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Bertan Karahoda, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

As we know the artificial intelligence, and specifically artificial neural networks, have improved rapidly in the last decade which leads to the application of these systems in commercial fields like in buying online products, medical applications, financial applications, etc. But we know also that ANN usually are complex systems that need a lot of computing power in order to function properly which limits their application in number of fields, including here embedded systems because of their limited hardware and software properties. In this paper our goal is to implement a fully functional ANN in ATmega328p microcontroller, which will be programmed and trained in microcontroller. Our study case is solar tracker, where we aim to create a functional tracker which works based on ANN and with very limited hardware resources. With this implementation we aim to prove that ANN can function in practical systems without need of high computing power but just with simple low cost embedded system.

Utilization of FlexSim Software to Identify the Suitable Layout Planning of Production Line


Fidan Smaili, University for Business and Technology
Hajredin Ibishi, ״ELSAM״ Heat Exchanger and Steel Construction Company
Xhemajl Mehmeti, University for Business and Technology
Afrim Gjelaj, University of Prishtina

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

The possibility of increasing production capacity by re-designing the actual layout and material flow at the Elsam factory is explained in this article. Planning of the actual layout needs some improvements because it does not meet customer demand. The actual layout is found to be disorganized on material flow which leads to a decrease in production capacity. Three different layouts are considered and analyzed. A comparison between the proposed and actual layout is shown to find out the influence on production capacity. According to the data taken from simulation software FlexSim, significant improvement is foreseen. This study reveals that redesigning the layout ensures an increase of production capacity and decrease the possibilities of accidents during transportation between consecutive workstations by decreasing the traveling distance.