UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The quality of teaching and the success of the students of the Faculty of Medicine branch Nursing in UBT College


The quality of teaching and the success of the students of the Faculty of Medicine branch Nursing in UBT College

Presenter Information

Vlora Kurti
Ardiana Dragubuzhda


Medicine and Nursing


Introduction: Higher education leads to the professional development of young people and plays a key role in supporting social cohesion, economic growth and global competitiveness. It is important to develop higher education for the purpose of socioeconomic development and raising the culture of a country. Ensuring a quality education is essential in ensuring adequate qualification.

Purpose: It is to evaluate the quality of teaching of students of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing branch at UBT College - University for Business and Technology, evaluating the work of academic staff and the curriculum with teaching methods.

Methods: Research by design is qualitative - not experimental. The research involved 150 students of the Faculty of Medicine branch of Nursing at UBT College, the questionnaire contains a total of 18 questions which are mostly closed, the questionnaires were completed directly at UBT College during the time the students were in lectures. The data were processed through the SPSS program and at the end those results were presented in tabular form and with the help of graphs were presented in a more concrete way.

Results: At the end of this research we noticed that in this college there was great satisfaction on the part of the students about the quality of teaching and the teaching methods used by the teachers and assistants.

Conclusion: From the research we have done we have noticed a great quality of education in this institution as well as a great satisfaction on the part of the students for the way of teaching development, the methods used have been evaluated as very adequate and the working space very suitable and supplied with the necessary tools.


Teaching, students, medicine, success.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The quality of teaching and the success of the students of the Faculty of Medicine branch Nursing in UBT College

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Introduction: Higher education leads to the professional development of young people and plays a key role in supporting social cohesion, economic growth and global competitiveness. It is important to develop higher education for the purpose of socioeconomic development and raising the culture of a country. Ensuring a quality education is essential in ensuring adequate qualification.

Purpose: It is to evaluate the quality of teaching of students of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing branch at UBT College - University for Business and Technology, evaluating the work of academic staff and the curriculum with teaching methods.

Methods: Research by design is qualitative - not experimental. The research involved 150 students of the Faculty of Medicine branch of Nursing at UBT College, the questionnaire contains a total of 18 questions which are mostly closed, the questionnaires were completed directly at UBT College during the time the students were in lectures. The data were processed through the SPSS program and at the end those results were presented in tabular form and with the help of graphs were presented in a more concrete way.

Results: At the end of this research we noticed that in this college there was great satisfaction on the part of the students about the quality of teaching and the teaching methods used by the teachers and assistants.

Conclusion: From the research we have done we have noticed a great quality of education in this institution as well as a great satisfaction on the part of the students for the way of teaching development, the methods used have been evaluated as very adequate and the working space very suitable and supplied with the necessary tools.